Microsoft at DockerCon!

Microsoft + Open Source
Open at Microsoft
Published in
3 min readJun 22, 2016
Logo for DockerCon ’16 (

With this year’s DockerCon being held in Seattle, we couldn’t contain our excitement. We’re huge fans of Docker and DockerCon made us even bigger believers in Docker.

For example, when Gordon the Turtle decided to take over the Day 1 keynote, he unleashed the power of laser-beaming kittens!

But in all seriousness, there were some exciting announcements during the keynote sessions.

On Day 1, Solomon Hykes, founder and CTO of Docker, revealed that in the first 24 hours that the betas for Mac and Windows were released, there were 30,000 testers and up until DockerCon, there have been 70,000 beta-tester sign ups since March 2016. Amazing! So Docker decided to put Docker for Mac and Windows in public beta, which you can download here.

And if that wasn’t enough excitement for one day, Solomon also announced the private beta for AWS and Azure, which you can sign up for here.

And in the history of containers, the words of Solomon Hykes will be forever remembered:

“Nobody cares about containers… It’s the application that matters!”

Later in the sessions, Steve Lasker, Senior Program Manager at Microsoft, presented on workflows for developing, debugging and deploying containerized applications.

The Windows Server container team got a fantastic selfie with Betty Junod of Docker too!

During the Day 2 keynote, Mark Russinovich, Azure’s CTO, did a live demo of deploying the Docker Datacenter to Azure as well as running SQL Server on Linux in a container on Swarm cluster.

Zeph Gardler, whose father is a Senior Program Manager at Microsoft, took the stage at DockerCon and wowed the attendees with his talk on mining Minecraft stats using containers. Go Zeph!

It was a great time, and if you were at DockerCon, we hope you had a blast as well. We received a lot of great comments and feedback on these announcements, and we hope to receive more in the future!

