Open Letters I’d Write

Open Betters
2 min readFeb 26, 2016


Open letter to Ryan Reynolds, stop being so fucking perfect (with a post script to George Clooney to actually start aging at some point)

Open letter to Buzzfeed, how next world war will be caused over listicles

Open letter to the pani puri guy for giving only 5 in one plate when standard practice is 6

Open letter to Indian government, discover common sense and put it to use

Open letter to grandmom, yes I’m eating enough and no I haven’t become thinner

Open letter to the guy who took the job interview, why this job well coz you had a vacancy

Open letter to the Uber driver, no I don’t want to know how your dog can bark I love you unless he can also teach you how to use the fucking GPS

Open letter to Dominos, diminishing amount of toppings on the pizzas

Open letter to people with the iPhones, thank you for letting us poor souls with android exist on the same planet as you

Open letter to myself, stop trying to ride the open letter wave with your unfunny content

Disclaimer: Not intended in any way to take away from all the serious issues brought to light by talia jane and the subsequent writers. Okaythanksbye.

