From Zero to know React — Start React

From Zero To Hero
Published in
3 min readFeb 16, 2019

If you have not already for webpack , you can read my previous article :)

Okay , that’s do it !


Install React

  • on terminal , first cd to folder dir
$ cd desktop/hello-react // Cd to your project dir 
$ npm install react react-dom --save // Use Npm to install react and react-dom

Install Loader

Why we use loader ?

Install webpack’s package — babel (We used babel-loader )

  • on terminal
$ npm install babel-loader --save-dev   
$ npm install @babel/core --save-dev
$ npm install @babel/preset-react --save-dev
$ npm install @babel/preset-env --save-dev
  • edit webpack.config.js

Loader's object have three attributes.

1. test 
- Use regular expressions to find files with .jsx at the end.
2. exclude
- Specify a path that is not compiled .
3. use
- Specify the loader used to compile the conditions that match the file name.
- There are two properties in this object:
1.loader: Specify the package to be compiled. Specify the babel-loader just downloaded.
2.option: Specify which of the presets in the loader suite, because we are compiling JSX, so enter @babel/preset-react here.

Let’s Coding

Introduce Jsx

  • Html’s Filename Extension is .html
  • What is Jsx , Jsx is Javascript’s Extension , you can see it below .
  • Jsx’s filename extension is .jsx

const element = <h1>Hello, world!</h1>;

First Step — Import React and React-Dom to document

Second Step — Create app.jsx to your project dir


Third Step — Create index.html to your project dir

if you read previous article you will modify one .


Let’s Package !

$ webpack -p
on terminal

We can open the browser (index.html ), and we can see that :)

I think that is troublesome about open index.html , so we can install webpack server to make the step simple .


  • on terminal
$ npm install webpack-dev-server -g
  • after install the webpack server , we will edit webpack.config.js again
  • on terminal
$ webpack-dev-server 

and you can connect your server : localhost:9000

local server : localhost:9000

If you want to close/exit your server , you can press ctrl+c on your terminal .

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Hello, I am Panda .

Welcome to give me some comments or find me through the link.

Thx EveryBody !

