May Newsletter — Open Collective

pia mancini
Open Collective
Published in
3 min readMay 17, 2018

Welcome marshmallow, graphqlcompose, GraphQL Shield, MashApps.Metro, isomorphic-git and Parcel to Open Collective! And a very special welcome to the new Tech Meetups 🎉. Consider sponsoring them and investing in their sustainability. 🙏🏼

Search is live! 🔎

Backer & Sponsors: Looking for a collective to support is now super easy. Go to and search by name, technology, location or currency.

Collectives: Search indexes name, mission, tags, location, currency and description. Make sure you optimize these for discovery. You can review and edit your tags when editing the collective.

In-kind donations 🎁

Paid for something you want to give to a collective as a donation? We’ve got you! Submit the receipt & choose ‘donation’. When approved you’ll show up as a backer for that amount!

What’s your collective’s expense policy? 🤔

Often contributors to a collective are unsure about what they can expense to their community. Make it easier for your community to know what they can expense to your collective by adding an expense policy.

Create it when editing your collective from the tab ‘expenses’ (it will show in the ‘submit expense’ page in your collective) and grow your community with transparency and clarity! Read more here.

For the sustainers in every company!

Read here how Algolia’s engineer team went about deciding which projects to support (and getting the approval for it!) If you want to know more reach out to Josh & Vincent on twitter. These are great ideas to replicate in your own company! Join the Open Source Sustainers.

Leaderboard 💫

These are the top 10 backers from last month. Consider this when choosing where to work!
1- Algolia ($16,800 between rubytogether, codesandbox, material-ui,fakerjs, nodemon, rollup, babel, shields, preact, pug, storybook, cheerio,rubocop, vuejs, mobx, webpack) p/y
2 — Adobe ($12000 to babel) p/y
3- Trivago! ($10,000 monthly to webpack)p/m
4 — Coinbase ($9,000 between styled-components, mobx, webpack,rubytogether, babel) p/m
5 — Airbnb ($8754 between storybook, rspec, sinon,chaijs, rubocop, cheerio, redux-devtools-extension, babel, webpack, react-virtualized, yeoman)
6 — CapitalOne Careers ($5000 to wwcodetoronto) p/m
7- Vcet ($4000 to burlington-code) one-time
8 — Okta ($3000 between generator-jhipster, asciidoctor) p/m
9 — Material-UI earned themselves $2898 from carbon ads on their website! (we wrote about this here)
10 — Facebook Open Source ($2850 betweenwebpack, Babel, Storybook, Material-UI, Gatsby, mobx, vue, Parse Platform and rollup) p/m

And these are the top 5 collectives by number of new backers!
1 — darkreader +171 backers! 🔥🔥
2 — webpack +23 backers
3 — socialcoop + 20 backers
4- babel +14 backers
5 — dlang +14 backers

News & Inspiration

Watch Henry’s (@left_pad, @hzoo) talk: In Pursuit of Open Source, and he’s take on how to live Open Source.

Check out Cheese Lab Industries and get to know this group crazy scientists from all over the world who volunteer their time to helping others out! ❤️

We now have over 60 Tech Meetups on Open Collective. Woot!

Mixmax wants to host your meetup in San Francisco! Learn morehere.

Nick (@hipsterbrown) from Open Collective will be at BrooklynJS this Thursday! Find him (look for the handlebars mustache) if you want to chat about what we do and how can we help.

Got any news or stories to share in a future newsletter? Or questions you’d like answered? Let us know! We’d love to hear from you.
— the Open Collective Team



pia mancini
Open Collective

Cofounder Open Collective @opencollect | @democracyearth | @democracyOS @partidodelared | YCW15 | | Par de una sociedad en red | Sustainer