Open Collective update — December 2018

pia mancini
Open Collective


🤶🏽🎄Give your developers the gift of giving!

This year, instead of giving our team swag, we decided to give gift cards for them to support the open source projects that made their lives easier.

We shared our story and received a lot of support and interest (yay!) so we put together a way for other companies to do the same.

If you want to join the #GiftofGiving happy crowd and help your developers give back to the community that gives them so much, create an organization on Open Collective (if you don’t have one yet) and email us so we can activate this for you. ❤🤗

We shipped the first version of our Open Design System 🚀

Last month we announced the preview of our public GraphQL API, the first step in upgrading our platform and allowing anyone to interact with it. We are now thrilled to announce step two: an open design system.

The Open Collective frontend style guide is designed to make it easier for anyone to build a client for Open Collective. We are convinced that the only way of growing is enabling more transparency, more collaboration and helping others offer services & apps to collectives.

Jump right in, we will constantly updating it as we add new components.

Pledge to support your dependencies through BackYourStack

You can now scan your organization (or drop your composer.json, *.csproj, packages.config, Gopkg.lock or Gemfile.lock.) on BackYourStack and pledge to support the dependencies not yet on Open Collective.

Don’t take your dependencies for granted. They share the code, it’s up to everyone to share the responsibility of maintaining it.

News & Inspiration

The first pan European political party Volt is on Open Collective and just opened their web shop. Proceeds will go to their collective. Great way to support them!

UnifiedJS launched their collective with Zeit and Gatsby subscriptions to their support tier! Congrats to the team 🎉

Sustaining FeathersJS through Open Collective — Read about their plan for allocating funds more effectively towards maintenance and new features.

Fody made waves earlier this month announcing that it is expected that all developers using Fody become a Patron on OpenCollective. Read moreabout how they are thinking about it and their honesty system for enforcement.

BootstrapCDN supports Network Time Foundation: Great things need to be shared.

CivicCRM shares their story and Paths to Sustainability.

Check out the Sustain Summit 2018 Videos!

Tweets that make us proud:

Last month’s Leaderboard

These are the top 10 backers from the last 30 days. Consider this when choosing where to work!
1- Trivago! ($10,000 monthly to webpack)
2 — Handshake ($10,000 monthly to babel)
3 — Facebook Open Source ($5,850 monthly to webpack, babel, storybook, material-ui, gatsby, mobx, vue, rollup , electron, jest and parse-server, docusaurus)
4 — Cloudflare ($5,000 to the Cloudflare Collective)
5 — O’Reilly Media ($5,000 to Idyll)
6 — Coinbase ($4,500 monthly rubytogether, babel, mobx, webpack, styled-components)
7 — Airbnb ($4,375 monthly to babel, chaijs, cheerio, jest react-virtualized, redux-devtools-extension, rspec, rubocop, sinon, storybook, webpack, Ruby Together, yeoman)
8 — Material-UI (earned themselves $4,068 from their Creative Tim Affiliates Program)
9 — Kickstarter ($4,000 to webpack and babel)
10 — Denise Leopoldino ($4,000 to burlington code)

These are the top 5 collectives by number of new backers…
1 — Webpack +103 backers !!
2 — DarkreaderApp +39 backers
3 — babel +29 backers
4 — gitextenstions +21 backers
5 — companion +20 backers

…and the top 5 new collectives (created in the last month) by amount received.
1 — Electron Maintainer Summit ($3,650)
2 — amethyst ($545)
3 — transformaction-adopt-a-tree (€320)
4 — Gamecraft Foundation(€185)
5 — crystal-lang ($115)

Got any news or stories to share in a future newsletter? Or questions you’d like answered? Let us know! We’d love to hear from you.
— the Open Collective Team



pia mancini
Open Collective

Cofounder Open Collective @opencollect | @democracyearth | @democracyOS @partidodelared | YCW15 | | Par de una sociedad en red | Sustainer