Katelyn Spencer
Open Doors
Published in
3 min readDec 3, 2015


Grand Teton National Park

“You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.”

-Desmond Tutu


I was born in Columbia, South Carolina in 1996. I lived there for 5 years, while my Dad was working at the University of South Carolina. In 2001 my Dad received a job offer at Emory University. He accepted the job, so my family moved to Marietta, Georgia. My Mom thought my family would move every few years because my Dad grew up as a Navy Brat, so he was accustomed to moving frequently. Surprisingly, we ended up staying in Marietta, and we have lived in the same house ever since 2001.

I was very fortunate to live in a safe area where children could go outside whenever they wanted without being in danger. This helped create my love of the outdoors, something I have carried with me throughout my life. My childhood consisted of running around the neighborhood with my brother, neighbors, and friends. As a child, being able to run around the neighborhood allowed me to feel a freedom that helped me grow and mature. Spending time with my older neighbors and my older brother gave me role models to look up to.

I spend as much time outside as possible — no matter the weather. My summers are spent hiking, swimming, camping, and doing just about any other outdoor activities you can imagine.

In 2008 my parents bought land in North Carolina to build a cabin. My family spent almost every weekend for an entire year working on the cabin. The main frame of the cabin was built for us, and the plumbing and electricity were done by professionals, but everything else was done by my family. The experience of building the cabin together made my family even closer than we already were. We worked for 9 hours a day basically to the point of exhaustion and then played card games and went to bed. Although it was tough, building the cabin definitely impacted my life for the better. Through building I learned the importance of family time because the time we spent together bonded us in a way that was not previously possible.

My Mom and my Dad make the perfect parenting team. When my Dad lays down the law and tells it how it is, my Mom finds a way to make things okay again. When my Mom lets emotion cloud her reason, my Dad brings logic back into the picture. My Dad is my biggest fan, and encourages me in every way possible. Although he does not like to give compliments, he frequently compliments and builds me up. My brother, Thomas, exemplifies all the qualities of a great older brother. He is protective, encouraging, and fun. My family means a lot to me, and I cannot picture my life without any of them.

Although my Dad is an atheist, my Mom did a great job of raising me in a Christian environment and guaranteeing that I learned about Jesus from a young age. At times this was difficult because it is hard for me to be so fully devoted to something my Dad opposes, but at the same time, it has made my faith even stronger. Being a Christian has given my life purpose and direction. The majority of my friends are also Christians. Surrounding myself with like-minded people has aided me in my walk with Christ. Having friends who think like me makes our bond stronger.

I am currently a freshman at the University of Georgia. I am double majoring in Biochemistry and Spanish. One day, very far down the road, I would like to be a pediatric oncologist. Helping kids is a passion of mine, and I want to devote my career toward helping as many children get better as I can.

