Selim Benslama, a portrait of a student as a digital scientist

Master AIRE
Open EdTech
Published in
1 min readApr 17, 2020

Selim is a biologist now getting his training in Artificial Intelligence. Origin Earths chose him as an intern. He joined an interdisciplinary team of researchers and experts where he contributes to the scientific program Météo Carbone, the carbon weather forecast of the city of Paris. The aim is to measure the city’s carbon footprint in real-time.

The city wants to display the data in real-time: scientific knowledge must be opened up, shared, and made accessibly. It is the way towards a committed and participatory public climate policy. Even in times of Covid’s quarantine, he continues remote-working on this project with the team.

The Master AIRE enables this kind of project, empowering students through science and commitment. The students that we welcome at the CRI want a better world. They leave with the conviction that the commons of knowledge are the energy of this world, infusing their beliefs in the research and learning places where they work.



Master AIRE
Open EdTech

We are an international & interdisciplinary master program dedicated to research and education@UParisDescartes @ParisDiderot @CRIparis #life #education #digital