Learning To Love Myself Was The Hardest Lesson Of All.

Writing Prompt Journey

Sam Finlayson
Open Envelope Publication


Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

I have learned many things this year; all have been like the next step on the ladder of finding myself. However, none were more hard fought for than the step to loving myself.

I remember the day my therapist tasked me with writing 3 things I liked about myself. It took me over a month, and I had two. I felt so stupid. This was a catalyst. I was awful to myself; this continued for days. I questioned every decision I made, every nice thing anyone said to me. I questioned my very existence.

Thinking in this negative way ensures only the bad will ever get through. You end up in a loop where you believe the worse, and everything compounds it. Meanwhile, all external validations are brushed off as lies because people feel sorry for you. I thought it would never change; I didn’t deserve it because of what I thought was the truth.

“Negative thoughts compound. The more you think of yourself as worthless, stupid, or ugly, the more you condition yourself to interpret life that way. You get trapped in a thought loop.”
James Clear (Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones)

Breaking habits is hard, and speaking to yourself negatively is a habit. This is also something no one can help with…



Sam Finlayson
Open Envelope Publication

Love 📚 New to writing but loving every minute. Write about my experiences with therapy, trauma and recovery as well as other things that cross my mind 😉