OFP June Partner Roundup

Open Forest Protocol
Open Forest Protocol
6 min readJul 4, 2022

The midway point of the year is here. At Open Forest Protocol, we are riding big energy into the second half of 2022 with exciting news brewing and more Project Operators and Validators joining our expanding global network. A new addition to the monthly roundup for this month is our OFP Contributors. Contributors are partners helping us deliver the best and most robust version of our open-source Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) solution through their support and backing of OFP.



NEDITEL is a community-based conservation and afforestation organization based in Indonesia that partners with local landowners to restore degraded forest land in communities. One of their main activities is the production of biochar fertilizer using the short rotation coppice planting method to sequester carbon and generate eco-friendly renewable fuel. As part of OFP’s Project Operator network, NEDITEL will use our open MRV system to validate their forest data transparently, opening them up to carbon financing opportunities.

Vision Farmers’ Organization (VFO)

VFO is based in Butere, Kakamega County, Kenya, and focuses on community engagement to drive regenerative agriculture, environmental-friendly farming, reforestation, and sustainability. VFO runs as a forest conservation NGO and is launching a tiered project that will produce and provide tree seedlings, generate sustainable food security and income, and restore forest coverage around the Western Province in Kenya. VFO joins OFP’s Project Operator network to leverage a global and expansive hub of experienced climate actors and our open-source MRV platform to store and validate their forest data transparently.


3Ago is a Brazilian agroforestry and green economy organization that highlights and leverages the link between bioeconomy and innovative technology to drive the sustainability, conservation, and marketing of the Amazonian biodiversity. Joining OFP’s Project Operator network, 3Agro will use our open-source MRV system to measure and validate 5000 hectares of forest land data while leveraging the global network of project operators to boost their visibility and impact.

Tierras Nativas

Championed by a native family of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, Tierras Nativas is a community-based conservation and agroforestry project that blends human activity, wellness, and environmental awareness into a sustainable, regenerative community. Driven by the value of inclusive human activity and eco-responsible action to effective nature-based carbon sequestration, Tierras Nativas joins OFP’s Project Operator network. Using our open MRV system to measure, record, and authenticate the progress of their forest community.

Human Dignity and Environmental Care Foundation (HUDEFO)

HUDEFO is a Tanzanian consultancy and NGO focused on agroforestry and environmental wellness. They also advocate for gender mainstreaming in sustainable development, conservation, and reforestation. HUDEFO is joining OFP as a Project Operator to efficiently measure and validate forest data of their community-based forest projects using our transparent MRV system.



Using tree-level remote sensing and advanced AI modeling, Kanop helps forest carbon projects to measure and certify their data. A climate-focused company, Kanop shares OFP’s passion for nature-based solutions and is determined to help unlock carbon financing opportunities for nature-based carbon projects of all sizes and anywhere in the world.

Swift Geospatial

An ESRI award winner, Swift Geospatial uses near-real-time satellite imagery and cloud processing to deliver proactive monitoring solutions and accessible geospatial data to climate projects. Their commitment to sustainability, the accuracy of forest data, and cutting-edge technology to monitor and report this data aligns their mission with OFP’s, making Swift Geospatial a solid addition to our validator network.

EMU Capital

EMU Capital is a ReFi and carbon verifier company based in the US. EMU Capital is focused on on-chain transparency for carbon projects and joins OFP’s validator network to enhance our open MRV platform further with on-chain analytics and experience with the traditional carbon market.


Built by a diverse team of experts, CarbonSpace is an online remote sensing platform that uses AI modeling and satellite imaging to monitor carbon footprints by measuring biospheric emissions and sequestration more effectively and economically. With over 2 million hectares of coverage using their technology, CarbonSpace will greatly enhance the authentication of forest data using our transparent MRV system.


Übermorgen Ventures

Übermorgen Ventures is a Swiss VC firm supporting budding climate-centric organizations with innovative solutions to fighting climate change. Übermorgen shares OFP’s vision of the value and impact of an open, decentralized, and transparent MRV system, on climate projects worldwide, especially in remote communities.

Aera Force

A collective of climate champions, including founders, civil leaders, and scientists, Aera Force is a DAO-based fund supporting regenerative solutions to climate change and Web3-driven climate enterprises and startups. Aera Force focuses on blockchain-based solutions that offer transparency, immutability, accountability, and scalability, all of which align impeccably with OFP’s MRV technology. Aera Force’s support will help our MRV platform be more accessible to local small and medium-sized projects.


Based in Singapore, Block0 is a digital asset backer whose activity hinges on a central tenet: the internet is boundless and open. This is a perfect snapshot of Web3, the foundation for OFP’s open and transparent MRV platform. Believing in a transparent nature-based approach to climate change with the potential to scale infinitely, Block0 is backing OFP to help empower forestation projects in remote communities worldwide.

Nonce Classic

Nonce Classic is a crypto-focused Korean venture studio and accelerator that supports early-stage projects that use decentralized technology. Drawn to OFP’s innovative approach to climate change using an open MRV system and its potential global reach to local communities, Nonce Classic is backing OFP and will act as a portal to Korean climate actors and projects.

Do not hesitate to check our linked resources to learn more about our Project Operators, Validators, and Contributors. As we gather momentum for our mainnet launch, make sure you don’t miss a beat by following us or joining our community.




Open Forest Protocol
Open Forest Protocol

Blockchain platform for next generation forest projects. Transparently measure, report, and verify the entire life cycle of trees.