Revolutionizing Forest Data Validation: A Global Network to Usher in a New Era of Climate Action

Open Forest Protocol
Open Forest Protocol
5 min readApr 7, 2023

“For the first time ever, a forest project will be validated by multiple different verifiers using crypto-graphic rules.”- OFP Co-Founder Michael Kelly

To keep forests in the ground and incentivize forestation worldwide, accurate data is crucial for communities, governments, policymakers, businesses, and investors. At Open Forest Protocol, we are introducing a validation mechanism built to not only restructure existing systems of forest monitoring and reporting, but to create a new global standard.

As of March 2023, live forest validation has begun on the protocol, involving a global network of decentralized stakeholders, otherwise known as Validators. With 19 Validators from 15 countries, diversity, and synchronicity enhance the validity of climate data like never before. It is no one entity, nation, or perspective verifying a living forest in the ground: instead, it is a cohesive and communal cooperation that sets the stage for flourishing carbon markets.

OFP validation creates a decentralized and scalable mechanism for verifying forest data from afforestation and reforestation projects. All projects are ‘writing their forest data in sharpie’ on-chain with every data upload, while all validators stand to earn token rewards and strengthen their position in capturing protocol generated value.

Meet Our Validators

Spread across the world and operating together on one decentralized protocol, the Open Forest Protocol Validators use an array of technologies to verify forest data, from satellite imagery to artificial intelligence to space technology. This diverse network, composed of remote sensing companies, environmental NGOs, and forestry consulting companies, all pool their extensive knowledge and experience. It’s important to point out that OFP validators are different from blockchain validators as they are not running a node but manually reviewing project data in real time. Meet a few featured Validators:


Kanop is a French-based startup working to provide a solution that measures the environmental benefits of nature-based solutions. Their validation process relies on two strong convictions: satellite technology is evolving faster than drones, and AI is evolving, well, fast. Kanop uses AI to analyze satellite images, including optical data, non-visible bends, and radar images. The AI is trained using global ground-truth datasets, allowing the team to validate forest projects all over the world.

“We envision that a greater portion of funds will be directed to project developers and landowners, as fewer intermediaries claim a share. Ultimately, our goal is to bolster nature-based initiatives for a sustainable future.”

Kanop aims to revolutionize the future of digital MRV by fostering collaboration among projects and facilitating validation through initiatives like OFP. This inclusive approach empowers projects of all sizes to access vital carbon financing opportunities.

LiDAR Latinoamérica

LiDAR is transforming the way we estimate biomass and carbon stocks in forests. Operating in countries like Costa Rica, Guatemala, Venezuela, and Chile, LiDAR Latinoamerica technology is unique as it can penetrate the forest canopy and measure with detail the tree height and biomass. Optical information/scanning can only get data over the canopy, making LiDAR the best technology to estimate biomass.

“This is important for the carbon credits market, because the accountability of the measures are the most important part between projects and buyers in the market”

They use standard methodologies and high-resolution geospatial technologies, including aerial, satellite, and drones, to validate the biomass cover reported on the ground by the project operators. With an extensive database, early detection for projects on the ground is more rapid and truthful. In combination with hyperspectral and multispectral images, LiDAR can even identify species! They have worked with pine, eucalyptus, natural forests, and tropical forests.

Swift Geospatial

Swift Geospatial is a South African company using satellite imagery and cloud technology. Their unique back-end python scripting allows them to analyze extremely large areas with 90% automation, and display the results on online web applications and dashboards for easy viewing.

“You cannot measure what you cannot see”

As an OFP Validator, Swift Geospatial offers a range of forestry-based services including health analysis, harvesting analysis, deforestation analysis, and site species matching tools. Swift Geospatial believes that monitoring these projects for survival and eliminating risky projects is of utmost importance, and is deeply aligned with putting forest projects first.

Validation in Real Time

On OFP, unlike classic validation and verification bodies (VVBs), the entire validation process can be completed in 37 days. Let’s break down the steps of Validation on OFP:

  • 30 Day Validation Window. All validations take place over a 30 day period. At the end of the 30 days, the results from different validators are tallied, and a seven day challenge period commences. Any validator is free to change their vote during the 30 day period.
  • 7 Day Challenge Periods. The 7 Day challenge period gives the ‘losing side’ an opportunity to challenge the original outcome, and commence an escalation period. A successful challenge requires +1 more token than the original validation outcome amount.
  • Up to 3 Escalation Periods. If a challenge is successful, a second challenge period known as an escalation period commences for seven days. In order for the escalation to be successful, the parties responsible for the original outcome, must double the stake of the successful challenge.

As we launch our first validation cycle, this will establish a ‘baseline upload’, where the projects are feeding the system with a baseline first look at the state of their project. Future data is then correlated. From a project perspective, this gives projects the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the data upload procedure, and requirements.

All results from this initial baseline data upload will display in the upcoming project explorer, from which anyone and everyone can see the project’s data upload and results going forward.

Open Forest Protocol is fully launched in offering forest data measurement, reporting, AND verification services, to any forest on earth. As we venture into a new frontier of climate data like never before, in a decentralized manner open to everyone, let’s change the standards of what it means to work together and generate value. To cross borders metaphorically and physically, join as one melting pot of perspectives and expertise, and drive climate action into the coming decades.

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Open Forest Protocol
Open Forest Protocol

Blockchain platform for next generation forest projects. Transparently measure, report, and verify the entire life cycle of trees.