Copyright & Open Access for GLAMs in the age of COVID-19

Published in
2 min readMar 24, 2020
Alexej von Jawlensky, Murnauer Landschaft, 1909. Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus und Kunstbau München. CC BY-SA 4.0

Join us on Thursday, 10 AM EDT — 2 PM UTC — 3 PM CET:

The current global health emergency forced libraries and museums to organize digital engagement strategies, from #MuseumsFromHome to making digital broadcasts. However, this doesn’t mean that copyright laws have been suspended from working: how do we deal with copyright in this public health emergency? What are the important things we need to be looking at when we make our digital engagement strategies? Where can we go to find openly available content from museums and libraries? How do we make sure that we can legally preserve some of the current records being created by these digital engagement strategies?

Join us in this conversation with Ariadna Matas (Copyright Policy Advisor, Europeana Foundation), Sarah Pearson (Legal Counsel, Creative Commons) and Andrea Wallace (Lecturer in Law, Exeter University) as we explore some of these questions. Have questions of your own? Send them on our way! Post them in the comments or ping us on Twitter — at openglam!

The session will be recorded for future reference.

This activity is organized by the Special Interest Group on Intellectual Property — Museum Computer Network and friends from the Open GLAM community!




openglam, digitization, open licensing stuff