Announcing the OpenGraphQL Newsletter

Nader Dabit
Open GraphQL
Published in
1 min readFeb 6, 2019

I’m happy to announce the OpenGraphQL Newsletter, launching today.

A while back I tweeted out that we may be putting together a new GraphQL newsletter to gauge interest:

After speaking with numerous people in the GraphQL community, I’ve decided to go forward with a new GraphQL newsletter whose mission is to showcase the GraphQL community as a whole.

Our focus is inclusivity, community, & transparency. If you’re interested in getting your article published, you can reach out directly to me, Vladimir Novick or Carlos Rufo & we’ll be happy to help get your project, blog post, or ideas out to the community at whole. We’re excited to help broadcast ideas from all parts of the ecosystem, including a variety of languages & implementations.

I’m also working with people from the GraphQL foundation to help gather resources (like this newsletter) that may eventually become part of the foundation itself. If this happens, the moderation will be completely handled by the foundation vs community members like me, which I think is the end goal for an unbiased & community focused property like a newsletter.

Sign-ups are starting now:



Nader Dabit
Open GraphQL

Full Stack Product Engineer, Author, Teacher, Director of Developer Relations at Avara