How to resolve import for the .graphql file with typescript and webpack

Mohsen ZareZardeyni
Open GraphQL
Published in
2 min readJul 4, 2019

Hi, I’m Mohsen ZareZardeyni, and I’m a software engineer at Sigma Telecom LLC.

At Sigma, for developing our back office application, we decided to use GraphQL, Typescript and Apollo server. We choose Schema first approach and stored our schema in separate .graphql files. In order to import our schema within our Typescript code, we ended up using Webpack as our transpiler.

As I was looking for a way to do so, I didn’t find any good tutorial on this matter so I’m providing this tutorial for future researchers!🤠

First, you need to add the following configuration to your tsconfig.json. This will tell Typescript to use src/@types folder in addition to node_modules/@types in order to identify your types.


Then you need to introduce .graphql files to Typescript. In order to do this, you need to create a graphql.d.ts in your src/@types folder. Following code will tell typescript every time it sees an imported file with .graphql extention, it will provide a GraphQL DocumentNode, which is the type you need to provide for your GraphQL schema.


In our case, we used apollo-server from Apollo Foundation, but any other GraphQL server library uses the same pattern. With pervious steps, the following code will let you to import your .graphql files without any typing issue.


Finally, the last step is to tell webpack how to treat .graphql imports. The following code will tell webpack every time it sees a .graphql file, it should use graphql-tag/loader in order to load the content.


Hope this helps you:)

Also, you can find me on linkedin and twitter.



Mohsen ZareZardeyni
Open GraphQL

Software Engineer. Interested in Typescript, Nodejs, and GraphQL