Nader Dabit
Open GraphQL
Published in
8 min readOct 19, 2018


Top 9 AWS AppSync Features You Didn’t Know About

AWS AppSync has been in general availability since April of 2018. Since the release of the service, there have been many new features added as the service has matured over the past few months. In this post, I’ll touch on the ones I like the most & that the developers I have talked to are most excited about.

AWS AppSync is a service that allows developers to easily build apps with real-time and offline capabilities. To learn more, check out the documentation.

1. GraphQL CodeGen

When building AWS AppSync GraphQL APIs using the AWS Amplify CLI, there is a new feature that automatically generates all of your API code & type annotations for you!

This means you don’t have to write your client side mutations, subscriptions, or queries, the CLI will create all of this code for you & it will be ready to use as soon as your API has been created or updated:

Above, the CLI walks you through the creation process. Then, the code below is created in your project (mutations.js. queries.js, subscriptions.js, schema.json).



Nader Dabit
Open GraphQL

Full Stack Product Engineer, Author, Teacher, Director of Developer Relations at Avara