Open HeroinesPost-Pride: Supporting LGBTQ+ Employees Year-RoundThis year’s Pride Month has been filled with festivities all around the globe in honour of LGBTQ experiences and voices. However, the…Jun 28, 2023Jun 28, 2023
Open HeroinesUpcoming Workshop: How can Open Heroines “Cook Data” with Feminist Recipes?This short course proposes a space for Open Heroines members to explore the connection between feminism and data through two independent…Mar 9, 2023Mar 9, 2023
Open HeroinesPerspectiva de Género y Derecho de Acceso a la Información en México: Explorando las Experiencias…Por Jésica Edith Tapia ReyesJan 20, 2023Jan 20, 2023
Open HeroinesThe Burden of Non-Communicable Diseases in IndiaHow Open Data can help inform access to care and outcomes of NCDsJan 11, 2023Jan 11, 2023
Open HeroinesHow did “open” fare this year?2022 has undoubtedly been different from the last 2 years. Air spaces opened up and we were able to move around the globe to attend open+…Dec 30, 2022Dec 30, 2022
Open HeroinesCall for Consultancy — Web DesignerOpen Heroines is looking for a creative Web Designer to help us build a new website.Nov 28, 2022Nov 28, 2022
Open HeroinesFeminist Perspectives on Care Economy: A Brief on Open Heroines’ Workshop at América AbiertaOpen Heroines is excited to be invited to The Feminist Forum of the XV Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean…Oct 26, 2022Oct 26, 2022
Open HeroinesWhy Every Data Person Should Attend Abrelatam/ConDatosBy Marisa MiodoskyOct 13, 2022Oct 13, 2022
Open HeroinesCreando Datos Abiertos Enmarcados en FeminismosPor Leticia MarroquimSep 23, 2022Sep 23, 2022