1000+ Followers on Instagram: A Tutorial to get more followers quicker!!!

Eric Pone
Open House Writing
Published in
4 min readDec 3, 2017

Using social media is critical if you are going to grow your business. But how do you make it work for you? In this article I am going to break down step by step how to get a basic plan in place and how to get it noticed. This article assumes a basic understanding of how Instagram is used.(If you don’t know hire out!! This is too critical!)Now I can only give you the tools. YOU have to have the products that people want to buy. So assuming you have a great product let’s talk Instagram and strategy.

What is you niche? Brian Ainsley Horn indicates that there are key attributes to defining your niche. The first is knowing what business you are in. It never ceases to amaze me how few people actually know what industry they are in. They may not realize that a gardening center is in the information, technology, and retail markets! Each market has specific needs and customers that if you get it wrong will never know how great you are. So to avoid running in many directions going nowhere you want to get specific. An example would be a financial advisor focusing on late career senior women. That is a niche. It is very specific. The key thing is to avoid getting so narrow you don’t have content or subjects for content. You want to hit that need and that need has to be real and involve pain. But you have to be able to deliver. If you don’t have a CFP for example do you really have the skills to help your clients? Finally, are there even enough in the niche to warrant exploiting the market?

The aforementioned attributes are critical in social media because how you prepare the content and deliver it can lead to poor results. Especially if your niche is so narrow that instead of 100k followers you attract 100. Now if the market is Billionaires and you get 100 following you…..good for you. But most businesses need many clients over time to stay afloat so growing the marketing base to at least 50k is really important as a means of driving your leads to your business.

There are many approaches to filling a page but most lead to two primary approaches. The first approach is you can build content. This puts you in the media business. You are telling a story and potentially you are the character. Or the product itself is the character. Either way you have to be a great storyteller and conversationalist to facilitate a two way conversation. The other approach is creating a theme page. A theme page attracts people who are interested in a particular lifestyle like race cars. If you sell tires and you want to increase your sports tire sales….well a focus on the sports car lifestyle.

So let’s use the sports car lifestyle. To use Instagram to its maximum you will need three things for your page, a logo, an intro video, lots of pictures and information from people who influence this lifestyle, and an Instagram account.

Assuming your business has a logo, let’s focus on basic content. You want to focus on viral content(as in more than 1 million views.) websites, YouTube, Pinterest, and other sources. If you choose to use the source material you have to must should give credit to the content creator. This is an ongoing task and frankly you should be updating your site 4–8 times a day minimum. (minimum) So in the case of the sports tire you are going to probably pick pictures of really awesome cars, videos of squealing tires and speeding cars, and content from celebrities and influencers (people or organizations who may not be celebrity but are looked to as trendsetters). Basically, you don’t want white space on your page.

You are going to need an intro video. In this case a high intensity rock riff and a montage of pictures will make do. There are many software packages that can help you with this part, but I strongly recommend working your network and finding a someone to do this for you. This is a commercial so keep it short, keep the wording focused on the lifestyle.

This is where the magic happens. Remember YOU are the expert. Don’t just post pics but talk about why that tire the BMW is sporting is critical. Talk about how to keep tires looking awesome. Give give and give until it hurts and then give some more. If you want to get really fancy post a well edited video of yourself and a customer discussing tires. The key thing is you want to make the site a critical stop for car lovers.

Now to drive attention run ads on Instagram. Use that intro video and run ads. Instagram is a new platform and therefore is a cheaper platform than your local paper or radio station. It is certainly cheaper than TV. Put up a small budget of $100 but make sure that ad targets people who relate to your niche. So examples of hashtags would be #foreigncars #musclecars #racingcars. And don’t forget to ask for visitors to tag a friend.

Assuming you follow this plan you should get a lot of potential customers following you. Give it several months to build and then ask for business. Remember to give give give and then ask. Make that ask special and specific to the community. People don’t like being used, but they love being seduced! You have your marching orders. Go get em!!

