Feb 22 Flash Fiction Challenge : Unicorns

Eric Pone
Open House Writing
Published in
1 min readFeb 23, 2018

Maryann had issues. Reading Tolkien in the very unposh environs of the coffee shop she looks at Ginger and noticed her staring very intently. “Unicorns aren’t real you know.” She said this very confidently. “What the hell are you talking about?” Maryann replied. “Weird writers always bring up unicorns and yet no one has ever seen one.” Maryann was confused. “Lord of the Rings doesn’t have any unicorns!” Ginger countered. “Well just wanted to let you know they ain’t real. That’s all.” Maryann thinks Ginger had finally snapped went back to reading. “Why do I love you?” and laughed.

