Follow the leader

Eric Pone
Open House Writing
Published in
5 min readMar 5, 2018

Monaco, a beautiful city of ultra-wealthy men, it was mainly old White men with the money and even more beautiful women of all types. The Kingdom, it was one after all spilled into the azure blue waters dotted with boats bobbing like million dollar ducks in a bath. As the sun shone down its glory upon the beaches and marinas below Ducky entered his place of residence for the week a simple triplex overlooking the racetrack below and the ships entering and leaving the harbor. After taking in the view, he sat down with a finger of rye waiting for contact with the home office.

Lighting a cigar had special meaning for him. It was something his uncle had taught him long ago. You never put gas flame to the tobacco but rather lit fragrant cedar wood. As he carefully cut his Partagas 1845 Ducky answered his phone.

“Hey buddy just got in, you got a sweet pad here. You should visit it someday.” Eowyn walking the grounds of Balmoral winced at that notion. Luxury was still very foreign to him. “Maybe one day Ducky. Being King is still rather new. What is the is the situation there?” Ducky carefully lit the Lebanese cedar shard and enjoyed the sweet smell. “I will be at the casino this afternoon.” Eowyn finally lets his curiosity give way. “What the hell are you looking for?” Ducky deflected. “Remember we agreed we would never talk about these things buddy online.”

He took this lull to finally sip the cigar, its tobacco notes of coffee, pepper, and of course cedar dancing across his lips like a wild gypsey dancer. Contrary to the stupidity of cigarette smokers, cigars were never inhaled, simply tasted then let go like a lover. Ducky quickly sipped his Bulleit 95 and resumed his point.

“ Buddy you tasked me to find the truth regardless of where it leads me. I am here in Monaco. I may have a more complete picture regarding your mother but…” Eowyn knew and understood where this was going and completed the thought. “But I want you to be absolutely sure. I get that.” Ducky sat back and indulged some honest curiosity. “So the trend seems to be that your mom is a wannabe spook. She keeps her life close to her vest. I get that. What’s the play, boss?” Eowyn had been considering this for some time now. But the question brought everything to head. “I need to know how far to keep her away from my business. I want to get that cash and put the Commonwealth back together as the means of pursuing this.” Ducky smiled… the boy was finally being realistic on his role. “That is very reassuring to hear buddy. But I gotta go.” And with that Ducky closed his call and ordered the driver to take him to the Monte Carlo Casino.

Ducky entered the lounge and moved toward the table by the windows. If you sit near a window but towards the back, a shadowing effect occurs rendering the person invisible and invisible was what Ducky wanted most now. He sat as his gin and tonic sweated through the napkin beneath it. Ducky enjoyed the heat in Monaco, it was a change from Scotland. The tan seersucker suit, white dress shirt both bespoke and brown Balli loafers made him blend into the environment like a Gecko.

The two women entered and immediately Ducky could sense the chemistry. The blond casually played with her dates hair and the smile from her date told Ducky the whole story. These two ladies were fucking. Ducky watched as they too moved to a quiet section of the lounge to enjoy the music and each other. Ducky snapped two pictures on his phone and several minutes of video then made a call.

Ono was trying to winnow into jeans two sizes too small to show off her ass. The girls had planned an evening out and she fully intended on getting laid. The chirp from the other end of the room brought her attention back to reality. Sighing she picked up the phone. “Go for Ono” Ducky knew he had interrupted her plans but this needed to be communicated. “Hey little lady, I am going to send you some video and pics that might change your plans.” Ono didn’t try to hide her annoyance. “Fucking A Duck! You know I haven’t been laid in months. You are not going to…Holy shit.” On her phone were pictures of Rachael, the Kings mother and Sue Perkins his girlfriend kissing, touching, and smiling in a way that changed Ono’s plans. “Has Eowyn seen these pics?” Ducky smiled. “No lucky lady the King appears to be newly single.” “Thanks, Duck.”

Ono dropped the jeans for the black and white Chanel and matching stilettos. Panties? No, not tonight. She checked herself and began the walk towards Eowyn’s study.

King Eowyn looked at the picture and all the pieces fell into place. His mom wanted to have complete control over him. Queen Charlotte his aunt looking over her shoulder wasn’t surprised at all. “Wow, she set up a complete surveillance of you. So is rebuilding Brittania her idea or yours? Ono! You look brilliant!” Eowyn sat back in his chair and noticed Ono at the door in that dress…she has to know. Ducky knew how she felt about him. No excuses now boy. “Dinner? I know a great little place…” Ono made her intention clear. “Sweetie dinner is at 6 my quarters, you should plan on having a new consort.” And with that, a smile and she was gone. Charlotte looked at Eowyn and made the situation plain. “Ono knows, you are it and you should consider giving up the other half of your walk in this weekend.” Eowyn winced at that. His clothing didn’t even fill half of the room.

Eowyn now knew the game. His mother wanted to restore the family fortunes. His being crowned was step one. Having Sue babysit him so as to not fuck up step one was step two. What she didn’t anticipate were his own motivations. Eowyn picked up the phone and turned to Charlotte. “Hey Ducky, mission redirect, I hear Lagos is lovely this time of year. Meet up with Maryann and Ginger, let’s cause a little chaos to get some attention. Make sure mom sees you and knows where you are going okay. I have a feeling she will tag along with Sue. Oh and Sue is off the island. “ Ducky confirmed back the instructions. “And Ono?”

“Ono is gonna be busy for the next few days.”

“Yeah Boy!” Ducky replied.

