Get around get around Ducky gets around…

Eric Pone
Open House Writing
Published in
5 min readFeb 25, 2018

Ducky sat on the hood of his Thunderbird by the beach. The sun shone like a bright white orb in the cobalt sky. As he shifted his fedora over his eyes he began to worry…slightly about sunburn along his arms and legs. The buzz in his pocket shook him back to reality again. “Chello, Ono.” Ducky crooned over the phone. Ono knew his charms and wasn’t having any of it. “Hey, Ducky I just uploaded some video from the assassination at the palace. Can you verify the body count?” Ducky knew that there were 32 victims at the bombing that killed the queen. As he counted though he ran into a problem. There were only 31 bodies. “What the f….” Ono chirped back. “Exactly, honey can you drop by the morgue and do a visual for the Queen.” Ducky frowned at that. “What are you talking about we buried Charlotte I was a pallbearer.” Ono filled in the question that had bugged him since then. “The casket was sealed, Ducky. I had the crypt opened and I did the visual no one wanted to do. Nothing but well-placed sand Ducky.” At that, he hopped off the car, jumped in to begin the ride to the local airport.

The ride was uneventful and the flight even more so. The waiting car was a nice touch but a little over the top. during the drive to the morgue, he called up the video of the scene before the bombing. It was a normal family function…for rich people. Hmm, no shellfish I always thought that was a rumor. Ducky was always surprised by Eowyn’s family. As he arrived at the morgue he casually walked to the main office. Flashing his credential the Medical Examiner smiled but indicated that the records couldn’t be accessed. They were sealed. “By whose orders?” Ducky inquired. “By Buckingham Ducky.” Now he was really getting concerned. “You wanna go get a gin and tonic. It’s awfully hot and I could use the fresh air.” Ducky knew he was about to get the real story.

As they sat at the local pub. Dr. Diane Stuart let her hair down and flashed her brilliantly brown eyes at Ducky. Ducky knew an opportunity when he saw it. She leaned into his ear.

“The Queen’s body was never recovered Ducky, her primary was found dead in an adjacent room. She didn’t go without a fight though. Every member of the prime minister’s cabinet received this email message.” And Ducky’s couldn’t help but smile, sitting tied to a chair beaten but still very much alive was the lovely Queen Charlotte. “Fuck me, Diane, you have had this for over 2 weeks why the fuck didn’t you tell me about this earlier?” Diane was frank. “Everyone has been trying to determine if our friend Rachael the reformed terrorist was behind this.” But the timelines don’t match up and Eowyn’s actions are not the ones of someone who planned this.” Ducky snorted in agreement. “He hasn’t even touched the money yet. Queen Charlotte was his favorite aunt. She emailed him secretly every day to make sure he was OK. Diane I know Eowyn he is gonna want something more actionable than this.” Diane frowned at this. “Ducky, Charlotte was not a very effective monarch. This country has been going downhill for some time and Queen Charlotte has kept to Magna Carta. If Eowyn hadn’t reclaimed his powers and balanced the budget… we would have been in a spiral.” Ducky could no longer contain his anger. “But she is the queen and it is not her fault that parliament failed the people.” Diane smiled sadly. “Are you saying this as a loyal subject or as a former member of her detail?” This cut to his soul. Ducky remembered the day he was thrown off of her detail for being a member of the True Believer movement. He understood why and he packed his bag and left the palace quickly that morning under armed escort. “I guess I…” “Ducky you are a good man and maybe that is why she left this for you.” And with that, she handed him an envelope. Opening he saw a chip and a note. The note was simple.

Dearest Ducky,

If you are reading this I have been kidnapped. Ducky, of all the people who have protected me since birth only you treated me like a normal person. So knowing that I am a pain in the ass here is the locator for my ass. Ducky come quickly.

Yours Always


Diane glanced at the note over his shoulder and back at him. She had known Ducky since his uncle had adopted him at 17. She had never seen him at a loss for words until now.

The tears came quickly and unexpectedly. Ducky had been through many adventures and terrors that he thought would have warranted his tears but this… Kissing Diane and thanking her. He stood with resolution. “Ducky, you think she is gonna fuck everything up on principle?” Ducky looked down at her knowing that someone else had read a different note that. “I think my buddy will get her ass home and everything will be alright. Don’t let a good gin and tonic go to waste.” And with that, he was on the way back to the plane. The current king needed to make the call.

Eowyn was shooting threes on the makeshift court set up by his detail when his pocket buzzed. “Go for Actual,” Eowyn responded. Something was wrong when it came through on his teams secure comm. “Eowyn, Ducky man I just uploaded a letter, video, and map.” Eowyn stared and stared at his phone in disbelief. Happiness could not describe his feelings. “Hold on Duck.” Eowyn hit three buttons bringing the team online. There were several gasps as the team realized the queen may still be alive. “Ono, we need a SAS team that is loyal as the backup. We need our loadout gear moving to whatever quiet vehicle can get us to the coast. We can swim from there. We’ll need a Nighthawk on standby for exfil. Maryann, we will need a satcom with a dedicated line to the new opcenter. Ginger, she is probably injured so bring an advanced trauma bag. Team, we know the play here. We are feet wet in 3 hours.” And with that Eowyn kept shooting. He couldn’t let anyone else know right now what they knew. Aunt Charlotte we are coming.

Ducky disconnected and sat back. All he could do was stare at the screen sending him vitals for a friend he had thought was dead. I am coming Char…stay with me. And with that, he pressed a single green button that caused a chip to buzz.

Charlotte Queen of Britain sat in an empty room. Her leg broken and painful but still alive. She felt the buzz from the chip in her ass…the last place Ducky had kissed her. Ducky come get me.


