I have 4 reasons to support Bloggers of Color on Fav Sites!

Eric Pone
Open House Writing
Published in
2 min readJan 2, 2018

I have 500 words a day to spend on what matters most to me. Today I am spending those words on you. There are very few people of color blogging. And a tiny tiny tiny percentage of us get the views, awards, and post backs needed to build a base. Folks its critical if you want to see yourself in writing our base of writers has to expand. If you are a person of color please include writers like myself in regular reading.

  1. If you frequent certain sites and don’t see people of color writing or producing content. Please challenge the community. Too often we get just accept publications that lack content from people of color. There are plenty of writers out there and we shouldn’t have to write for the New York Times to get noticed. But sites won’t add content outside their friends unless they are challenged to do so.
  2. A sites silence may mean the site doesn’t have you in mind. So why would you spend you time in a community that doesn’t provide a variety of viewpoints even when that site if focused. There are conservatives of color just as their are liberals. Quick note here, the conservative community seems to have many many many more people of color writing in them than the liberal community. I have never understood this.
  3. Over sensitivity from an editor or writer may mean that they are feeling the pressure that someone finally called out the obvious. Understand that for many editors, will be challenging and they are being forced to confront their own prejudices and bias. This is the normal process of being human REGARDLESS OF RACE. But hold them accountable and if they don’t respond it may be time to spend your reading time somewhere else. It does say a lot about a person who chooses not to network with writers of color.
  4. Hostile reaction? Well un-favorite the site. Not worth your time. Don’t waste your time. They don’t want you around. Do them and your self a favor and just move on.

So again please consider writers of color and keep us in your regular reads. Its really important because we have unique perspective that may challenge your assumptions. If you are a person of color, reading other authors of color can hopefully allow you to see yourself through our writing and experiences. Please consider me for your publication or just stop on by and have a read and SUBSCRIBE.

