Maximizing Your Small Business with B2C Strategy

Eric Pone
Open House Writing
Published in
3 min readDec 6, 2017

When you think of going B2C what comes to mind? Maybe a store, or maybe a webpage. But good B2C involves strategy and I am going to focus today on how to build a solid B2C strategy for a small or micro business. Strategy should always come before execution.

The first and most important question. What space are you in? It never ceases to amaze me how many entrepreneurs have no idea what space they are. An example would be a business person talks about how they cut hair. Cutting hair is an activity it not a space. And their workspace will reflect this total lack of focus. So you go into their shop and there will be a chair or two, some folding chairs against the wall and may a tv and game system….but not for the customer. Nope it’s for them while they wait for the customers who will eventually flood their business. They are in the intermittent activity business. A barber who knows their space will answer for example that their in the entertainment business. And the space will reflect it there maybe a DJ in the house, the video games are for the customers. ESPN may be on the monitors and local activists and influencers pay regular visits. Customers hang around which allows the barber to sell drinks, maybe magazines, maybe even branded clothing. They are still cutting hair but it part of the entertainment experience.

So the next thing that small business owners fail to define is what are they selling, what makes their product unique and how do their customize the experience for their customers. Referring back to barber example the barber is selling an entertainment experience. Yes there is a haircut involved but there is videogaming. Customers can watch the game or maybe listen to music. The customers maybe doing a little shopping. And if the cuts are good customers may find themselves on Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube as a model! That person may be small business person themselves, why not interview and discuss THEIR business and why the lifestyle you are marketing is important to them.

So where does a B2C business do business? The answer for a small or microbusiness is everywhere! Too many owners focus on selling their products in one or two marketplaces and as a result they lose valuable market share to competitors who also are in the same product line. So our barber could offer services at a local night club in room just off the dance floor. Cutting hair and interacting with the demographic they choose to go after. Yeah you have to decide who you clients will be so that you are where they are. So if our barber is targeting males 20–30 into the clubbing lifestyle you have to be where this demographic is. So if you know that the local sports shop is a hotspot, set up a popup chair and take advantage of the space. Someone hosting a party be there and tighten customers up.

Did I tell you that this barber is in the media business now? This businessman documenting and reviewing products and sharing their experiences through Facebook live events, constant Instagram posts and YouTube. As this manager builds audience people will want to be in their chair because they become a star as well! This barber may even give away a custom experience by casting gaming sessions through the internet. The point is as the business grows it’s documented and people are welcomed virtually, and in real time to grow with the business.

So the strategy is define a niche, customize an experience to exploit that niche, define the targeted demographic, go anywhere that group is to share your experience, and document the journey. Give give give till it hurts then maybe ask. Go for the Win. Win Win Win.

