Start Your Business….Right Now

Eric Pone
Open House Writing
Published in
3 min readDec 7, 2017

When is the right time to start a small business? How about right now! Too often potential business owners write themselves off with excuses of too little time, too little money, and no idea what to do. This article seeks to debunk these common excuses.

How about not having enough time. Unless you are already working a second job most Americans work only 8–10 hours in a day. That leaves 7pm to Midnight. (sorry Gary Vee I like sleep too much to work until 2am) Most Americans spend this time supposedly with their family…but really is that what you really do? Most Americans spend their off hours doing things that while fun or even useful, leave in many cases much needed revenue on the table! I am a freelance writer. For years after I stopped blogging I used the excuse of not enough time. And I filled my core hours with lots of activities to justify not writing. I am a local politician, and a husband and a parent. I also loved watching YouTube, and playing video games. But a certain point where do that dream of being your own boss come in? You have to reclaim hours from useless leisure to fulfill your dreams.

But about not having the that huge influx of money from that Angel Investor. Granted if you want to open a big restaurant or retail chain you will need a major cash infusion and time to make it happen. But how much to sell chicken dinners from your backyard? Any major business can be reduced to a micro sized enterprise that you could execute with little cash infusion. So you could take that grill and sell hot dogs at the farmers market. Yeah not sexy, but….you are in the food business. And if the market runs from 6am to noon, aside from a little shopping you still get the bulk of your weekend AND you made a little money. You are a business person and this business could grow or it could stay very part time. All for the cost of some hot dogs, buns, and a grill.

But what business to go into? What do you do for living now? What is your favorite activity that your could get lost into for hours? If you love cutting grass, imagine doing it for money! Do you like playing softball? Imagine organizing private leagues around the city. You could play and get paid at the same time! Are you crafty? Do you own a car? You can sell your wares around the city at numerous bazaars and craft shows. Do you like kids or animals? How about a babysitting service! The point is you do a lot of things throughout your days and evenings for fun. Why not make it a second or third source of income.

And the great news about all of this is you can start right now!! You can launch right now!! You are going to cook anyways right? You are going to do some woodwork this week right? Turn what you love into that dream you have always had.

