Thursday Photo Prompt: Putting the Band Back Together.

Eric Pone
Open House Writing
Published in
3 min readFeb 23, 2018

Eowyn caught Sue alone. Finally. At the beach next to


the lake at sunset. As he approached her from behind she knew it was him. Only one person would know this about her. “I supposed you are pissed that your mum has me tasked to make sure you don’t do something stupid.” Eowyn stood next to her looking out over the lake towards the glen in the distance. “At first I was really pissed at you. But I guessed you had your reasons.” At this, she finally snapped. “Reason! My fucking reason was you Eowyn!” She turned moving off some distance. “I gave up everything for you. I would die for you and you don’t give a fuck about that.” Eowyn continued to stare out across the lake. “What did my mother ask you to do?” Eowyn knew she loved him but the picture was bigger now. Beyond just his needs. Sue laughed at the question. “Always the soldier.” Eowyn realizing that maybe he has gone back into combat mode grabbed her hand. “My mother it appears has a separate agenda. I just need to know if her life as a terrorist is over. Otherwise, I have to put her down. You know this.” Sue did know this. “What I have been able to figure out about her has she wanted the crown. She wanted it really bad. So I guess she was hoping to rule through you. But you flipped the script a bit love. She didn’t take into account you would be any good at it. She is trying to run the country behind your power like she has with every man in her life.” Eowyn raised an eyebrow. “That is one deep girl.” Sue turned to him. “Her agenda is simple. I think she….”

“I think she what love?” Rachael replied looking dead at both of them. Eowyn noticed her playing with her knife again. So funny. She wouldn’t last five seconds against him. Eowyn was an operator and candid was what had kept him alive so he pressed the subject. “What are you trying to do mum?” His eyes told her this was the only time it would be asked. “I want our Navy to sail the seas again as the sole power. I want to get the band back together again I guess.” Sue saw the pieces fall into place now. “You want to rebuild Britain and her colonies again? But the cousins won’t…” Rachael snorted at that. “Let’s leave the cousins out of this. Things would only get messy if we tried anyhow. You dear Uncle George went crazy after the revolution after all.” Eowyn’s mind was blown…yet he was intrigued. “OK, lets say we do this. We put it all back together minus the cousins of course. What do we do with it all?” Rachael seeing Sue and Eowyn on board with what she thought was a crazy dream said it all. “We drive the car love. We drive that bitch where ever we want to.”

