Topic 3: Open research (2018/9)

How is research influenced by openness?

OKHE admin
Open Knowledge in HE
3 min readMar 1, 2019


This is an archived version of a page from OKHE 2018/9, to preserve content for past participants. See the main page for the latest materials.

[Image: Open Access logo and a number of benefits of OA research. Text version] [CC BY Danny Kingsley & Sarah Brown via Wikimedia]

PG Cert HE participants: This topic relates the session on 20 Mar. You can use this page to prepare/catch up/review. Please access the Prepare and Reflect tool via Blackboard before and after the session to keep track of your progress.

This session aims to cover how research in higher education is influenced by openness. The session will examine the publishing model and consider how there are changes afoot that may bring down the current system.

This page includes contributions from experts and OKHE graduates. We hope you are able to look through this page and leave a response before the session — if you are pushed for time, head for the essential preparation.

In this session, we hear from Lucinda May (Research Services Librarian, University of Manchester; OKHE 2015/6). Martin Eve (Birkbeck, University of London) has contributed in the past, but is unfortunately unable to join us in the session. Lucy and Martin’s bios are on our Guests page.

Topic 3 guests: Lucinda May (photo used with permission) and Martin Eve (photo used with permission). Full bios.

Essential preparation

All we ask is that before the session, you read one blog post, explore the website for one initiative, and comment with your response to one question.

  • Post: A new world of possibilities — reflections on OpenCon2018 by Chukwuma Ogbonnaya (Early Career Lecturer, Federal University Ndufu-Alike Ikwo, Nigeria; PhD student, University of Manchester).
  • Website: Plan S and cOAlition Sa current initiative to make open access publishing a reality. If you are familiar with Plan S already, try to read a new article or discussion on it.
  • Question: “What is ‘open’ and what does it mean to me?” — please comment below with your response.

Further reading

What do you think?

Consider your response to this question:

What is ‘open’ and what does it mean to me?

Leave a comment

After reading and thinking about this topic, please comment below to share an idea or response. You may find Creating a Medium account useful. Any questions, you can contact the course leaders via Blackboard.

Activity: Curated summaries

In the session, and beyond, we invite you to read widely on one or more topics, and contribute a summary afterwards. Please comment on one or more of the below posts with your summary:

Don’t like them? Choose your own topic! Write a post based on one of the above, submit it to this publication, and we’ll add your topic to the list.



OKHE admin
Open Knowledge in HE

Access OKHE here: — Admin for Open Knowledge in Higher Education. Writing about openness in HE.