An Open Letter To The NFL

A Proposal To Improve The Current Playoffs Match-Up System


As most people are aware, everything about the NFL playoffs schedule is designed to reward the higher-seeded teams for their regular season performance:
A) a first round bye for the #1 and #2 seeds
B) home field advantage for the higher seeded team in each game
C) highest seeded team in a round plays lowest seeded team in the round

But, while I agree that that “A” and “B” are big advantages, I believe there are some big problems with “C”…

PROBLEM STATEMENT: There are many situations (past, present, and future) where the NFL Playoffs match-ups do NOT actually reward the higher-seeded team as intended, and, in many cases, it actually (inadvertently) PENALIZES THE HIGHER SEED!
[NOTE: Furthermore, this could theoretically even create incentive for a team to intentionally lose their final regular season game for the purpose of getting a better match-up


1) When a lower-seeded team finally gets healthy late in the season or just gets hot and is surging into the playoffs or is just otherwise much more dangerous/daunting than their low seed might indicate.

2) When higher-seeded teams suffer key injuries late in the season (Andy Dalton?) and/or are simply stumbling into the playoffs despite a great first half so they are simply not as good/dangerous of an opponent as their seed would indicate.

*3) When a Wildcard Team from a stronger division (with a record of 10–6? 11–5?) is likely the better team / tougher opponent than the higher-seeded Division Winner from a weaker division (with a record of 8–8? 7–9?).
* — [Note: It has been debated for years who should be the higher seed in this situation — and there are valid arguments on both sides. However, a cool little byproduct of my recommendation below is that this particular debate is rendered significantly less relevant.]

4) When, regardless of record and seed, a specific lower-seeded team is simply a nightmare match-up for a higher-seeded team based on strengths/weaknesses (running teams / passing teams, mobile quarterback / pocket passer, indoor / outdoor / cold-weather teams, or a specific dominant player you’d rather avoid).

So… What Can Be Done About It?


My proposed solution is (relatively) simple…

And while there will obviously be some “Yeah, but…” responses and many details to work out, I believe the advantages of this proposed solution will greatly outweigh any disadvantages…

(Drum-roll continues…)

SOLUTION: The Highest-Seeded Team *CHOOSES* Their Opponent!

If the goal of the current system is to (theoretically) reward the highest seed in a round (the #3 seed in the Wild Card round and the #1 seed in the Divisional Round) by playing the lowest remaining seed, then the only way to truly reward them is to let them pick their opponent — to ensure they actually do view their opponent as the reward that the league is intending.

As soon as the final game of the season ends (OR as soon as the seeds are locked in, so perhaps Week 16?), similar to the NFL draft, the #3 Seeds (in both the AFC and NFC) are now “on the clock” to choose their opponent.
So the potential match-ups are:

#3 hosting #6 (and #4 hosting #5)
#3 hosting #5 (and #4 hosting #6)
#3 hosting #4 (and #5 hosting #6)

The #1 Seeds are on the clock as soon as the Wild Card games end.
So the potential match-ups are:

#1 hosting [lowest remaining seed] & #2 hosting [highest remaining seed]
#1 hosting [highest remaining seed] & #2 hosting [lowest remaining seed]

The NFL, sports journalists, the fans, and particularly whatever TV network secured the rights to broadcast “The Selection Show(s)” would have hours of interesting/exciting speculation and debate, sizing up all potential match-ups and analyzing strategies and motivations for why the top seeded team might pick a given opponent — and how that selection would effect the remaining teams and the path to the Super Bowl as well!

IN CONCLUSION… This is all just one guy’s thoughts on a somewhat complicated issue and a relatively simple (and interesting/exciting!) way to improve things. Very curious to hear what everyone thinks! Mostly interested in hearing from educated football fans, writers, analysts, and anyone actually associated with the NFL!



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