Bees are important! Persuasive letter

Xavier K
Open Letters 2018
Published in
3 min readOct 8, 2018
“selective focus photography of bee perched on flower” by Luke Schobert on Unsplash

Dear bee haters of the world.

Are you sick of getting stung or allergies? Too bad, you’re stuck with us bees. You may not know that 90% of all the food that 7 billion people eat cannot be made without us. In this letter we will give you information about why we are needed, what might happen if we go extinct and we will try to persuade you to start liking bees. This letter will try to change your mind about bees and it will try to make you think differently about us bees. We will talk about why we are important, why you should save us and why you need us to live.

What would happen if bees were extinct? Well since bees pollinate 70 of of the 100 important foods for humans, these crops feed about 90% of people around the world. Honey bees are responsible for 30 billion a year in crops. We may lose all the plants that bees pollinate, all of the animals that eat those plants and so on up the food chain. Which means a world without us bees could really struggle with a human population of 7 billion. Your super markets would have half the amount of fruit and vegetables that they have now.BBC future says that the main reason that bees are disappearing is because the loss of flower meadows, the crab-like varroa mite that drinks our blood, climate change, and use of pesticides. Do you really want to have a world with no food or no flowers and trees? Will we go extinct because of human destruction of hives and meadows? If there were no bees to pollinate your crops, humans wont get their $80 billion worth of crops a year.

Without bees the entire ecosystem would break apart until eventually it would get to humans. The birds that eat bees will get affected and then it will go crazy. It will spread to snakes and other animals that could be vital for humans. Cows, pigs, chickens, and goats won’t have grass corn or most of the foods that they eat on a daily basis. Have you ever bitten into that burger or steak and ever wondered where it came from? It comes from bees, the bees pollinate grass, corn, carrots, etc. So, without bees you basically can’t meat or protein. Imagine $30 Billion worth of crops a year, 36% of that goes directly to farm animals, 55% goes to people and the rest goes to other purposes. And all of that food that goes into the animals will most likely end up onto you plate. Without bees you wont get it. Neither will you get that pot of honey, no bees no honey. According to the london beekeeping association, there were 3,699 colonies in 2016 and it is increasing. In each colony there are 20,000 to 80,000+ bees.

But you are right in some ways, there is one type of bee that is typically not so friendly. The killer bee or the Africanised honey bee is well know to be a deadly type of bee. The Africanised honey bee unlike the European honey bee is very aggressive and territorial. These bees moved into America in 1990 and have spread in many areas to the south. They will not seek you out but if you get too close to their hives they will make you pay. Up to 100+ people die each year in the US because of these bees. But the other types of bees don’t kill as much each year, the European honey bee only kills 2–3 people a year. So, yes some bees are more deadly than others but they all make honey and fertilise crops. But if you think about it, humans invented killer bees, so it isn’t our fault.

But if you must eliminate all bees then you are going to eliminate yourself as well. Bee haters we ask you to change your ways and save the bees that feed you. You must help us survive, your pesticides, your destruction of flower meadows and your cities are killing us, to name a few. Help save us to save yourself.

Thank you for your attention.

Bees of the world

