Mok (Nattarsiri) V
Open Letters 2018
Published in
4 min readOct 29, 2018


Never Make A Deal With Bill Cipher

Dear Gravity Falls Fandom,

You may think that making a deal with Bill Cipher is a good idea, well you are wrong. You should not under any circumstance make a deal with Bill. He is a deceiving demon that will do whatever it takes to get what he wants. He can pressure you into making a deal with him, he can twist your words and do what he wants, he can make you feel like he is helping you more than you are helping him. But after reading this and if you still want to make a deal with him I will tell you how to make a deal with him and how to not let him twist your words.

Even if you don’t want to make a deal with him he can pressure you into doing it, like he did with me once. The last I made a deal with him he took over my body and almost killed me and my sister Mabel. He was supposed to give me the password for the computer we found in the bunker, but instead of giving me the password he destroyed the computer so that I could never find out what was on it. But luckily Soos one of the Mystery Shack employees and my friends fixed it. He said, “All I want is a puppet” “Seems to me one little puppet is a small price to pay to learn all the secrets of the universe” and so he chose me as his puppet.

Bill can also twist your words into helping himself and not helping you. Once he made a deal with my sister Mabel by possessing Blendin Blandin and pretending that he could help her make summer longer if she gave him the rift. But instead of helping her he opened the rift and started Wierdmaggedon and put her in a bubble where she could do anything she wanted, but outside the bubble the world was ending. So when Bill was in Blendin’s body “Look, maybe it’s against the rules, but you once did a favor for me, so I thought I could help you out. It’s called a time bubble, and it prevents time from going forward. Summer in Gravity Falls can last as long as you want it to!” (by the way, Mabel told me all of this)

He can make you feel like he is helping you more than he is helping himself. He is a very smart demon so he tricks people very well and so he can convince people that he is helping them and he convinces them that he only needs a small favor in return. Once again this is Mabel’s example “I just need you to get a little gizmo for me from your uncle. (Wristwatch displays the rift) It’s something small. He won’t even know it’s missing.” he told her so she gave it to him and he snapped his fingers and Mabel fainted and Wierdmaggedon starts.

So if you chose to ignore everything I have stated so far well this is the paragraph for you, I will tell you how to make a deal with Bill. First thing is that you need to do is tell him what you want you have to be very VERY specific about you deal so he doesn’t double cross you as easily. and if he says ok and waiting for you to take his hand DON’T TAKE HIS HAND you always need to hear his side of the deal first. When I was making a deal with him I wasn’t very specific I was very vague and so he was able to twist my words easily. Actually thinking about it he never held up his end of the deal, he never told me the password to the laptop, well if he ever comes back I’ll have something to hold against him when he wants to make another deal with me.

In conclusion, you now know how deserving Bill is and that you shouldn’t make a deal with him, but you also know how to make a deal with him. So please use this information wisely. If Bill ever returns he will destroy the world.

Stay curious

Stay weird

Signing off


