Open Letter to Eldia

Dale (Watthikorn) V
Open Letters 2018
Published in
9 min readOct 29, 2018

We’ve waited far too long! The existence of Eren Yeager has lasted far longer than it should have. We have to act

now. Eren Yeager, the possessor of the Founding Titan, shall be inherited by Historia Reiss, the queen of Eldia. Recently, during the operation on the attack on Marley, Eren Yeager has become the cause for the death of 6 soldiers. This is because he has refused to follow the instructions of the Survey Corps and acted on his own accord. This event has been repeatedly appearing over and over. And it will keep on appearing if we were to let him live on. Eren Yeager, the possessor of the Attack, Warhammer and Founding Titan powers, shall be devoured by Queen Historia hence Her Majesty is the one who inherits of the Reiss bloodline, the bloodline of the true ruler of the walls.

First and foremost, Eren Yeager is possessor of 3 of the 9 Titan powers. He possesses the Attack, Warhammer

and Founding. He has been the holder of 2 of the 3 powers for 9 years, despite being unable to control or use them to their full potential. Due to this simple reason, Eren should be devoured by the Queen of the Walls, Queen Historia Reiss. As Dr. Grisha Yeager had recorded in his books within his basement in the Shinganshina district that stored the events of the outside world, the power of the Founding Titan can only be used to it’s full potential when it is possessed by one who holds Reiss blood. Within the Yeager family, there is one known member who possesses royal blood and that person is Zeke Yeager, Eren Yeager’s half-brother. Before Dr. Grisha was deported to Eldia, the doctor had been raising another family outside the walls. He married Dina Fritz and had a son with her who was Zeke. As a matter of fact, Eren Yeager does not hold any royal blood in himself, therefore, the true power of the Ruler of the walls will forever be kept dormant as long as it resides within him. Queen Historia Reiss however, holds royal blood within her, being one of the six descendants of Rod Reiss, one of the lords within the highest social orders of the wall before he was turned into a Titan and killed by the Survey Corps. What’s more is that Eren has been is possession of the Founding and the Attack Titan powers for 9 years now. Considering that during year 845 when the Colossus and Armored Titans appeared and broke the wall, Dr. Grisha Yeager was on a trip towards the inner cities within Wall Sina when he mysteriously disappeared and was never found. From the information that we gathered from Dr. Yeager’s books and first-hand information from Eren Yeager, Eren recalled that after fleeing into Wall Rose, he woke up alone within a forest with the remains of a Titan lying only meters away from him and the glasses that his dad wore laying right next to him. Within the books also recorded the information of Titan serum that when injected into a patient, will turn the patient into a mindless Titan until they eat someone who holds the power of at least 1 of the 9 Titans. From this, we can assume that Grisha Yeager injected some of the Titan serum into his son thus transforming him into a mindless Titan and eating him, rendering Eren transforming back into human form. This event occurred 9 years ago so we can conclude that Eren Yeager has possessed the power of both the Attack and Founding Titans for 9 years now. Setting aside the power of the Founding, he possesses the power of the Attack. Throughout the 4 years, from year 850 Eren Yeager has used the power of the Attack for multiple missions from the first one about recapturing the city of Trost from the second titan invasion and the second appearance of the Colossus, the first encounter with the Marley volunteers to the recent mission of the attack on Marley to attain the Warhammer. However, multiple times throughout the missions has Yeager acted on his own accords and broke from the plan structure instructed by high command.

The walls have been holding us and protecting us from the titans that live on this island outside the walls for well

over a century. Within that century, millions of people have been born, grown, live and died here. Multiple of the citizens that have been birthed onto this island have joined the military factions to fight for a greater cause. Nine years ago, when the Colossus Titan possessed by Bertolt Hoover and the Armoured Titan possessed by Reiner Braun broke through Shinganghina and ultimately, Wall Maria, a hundred thousand innocent people were devoured by those titans. What we thought was humanity lost a tenth of it’s population. Following that 5 years later when they attacked Trost, 200 soldiers gave up their lives to protect the titans from breaking through. A close friend of mine’s too, Marco Bott, had given over his life while fighting the beasts. During that mission, Eren Yeager was incapable of controlling the Attack Titan and went on a rampage nearly killing Ian Dietrich, Rico Brzenska and Mikasa Ackermann. Due to this delay, the lives of even more soldiers were taken despite the fact that they could have been spared if Eren was able to control his Titan. Another time 4 years ago. The Survey Corps had set out on a mission to recover Shinganshina from the control of the titans. However, to our surprise, the 3 Titans controlled by Marley were hiding within the crevices of the city ready to spring an ambush on the soldiers. During this second battle, 100 soldiers died. This 100 did not even include Erwin Smith, the Commander of the Survey Corps. The Beast Titan possessed by Eren Yeager’s half-brother, Zeke Yeager had bombarded the platoon with rocks and dirt killing all but the Commander in the process. The Commander was able to survive for a few more hours until Captain Levi Ackermann chose to inject the titan serum into me therefore transforming me into a titan to inherit the Colossus.

Due to certain factors with one of them being Eren Yeager not possessing Reiss blood, there are multiple things he cannot control when in use and even outside the usage timespan of the Titan powers. Being unable to control his Titan completely allows for incidents to occur and in which case, they already have. Since he is incapable of gaining full control over the Attack, Founding and Warhammer Titan, the power should be passed down to someone who has the abilities to control them. It should be given to someone with royal blood, in other words, Queen Historia Reiss.

Despite all that I have said, I’m certain that many of you would argue against me for this statement. Yeager has

scored countless victories against titan invasions within the year 850 and the following 4 years where Eldia started to act against the world by conquering and capturing Marley scouting ships, being the behalf of Eldia within the plots created with Eren’s half-brother, Zeke Yeager and last of all, continuing to fight against the rest of the world. Hence the records, newspapers that have been given out to you for the past years, not all the information within the wars and battles were includes within them. As to this, I was always there to witness the plans of the Survey Corps fold open and surface, not to mention, bear witness to the aforementioned victories from Eren. Throughout these years with him however, there have been multiple records of Yeager going off the strategy devised by the Survey Corps to act from his own ideals that he holds. Due to this cause, it has been the cause for countless and countless of soldiers to give their lives up for a victory that could have been attained if only Yeager had not resolved to his own accords.

During the Battle of Trost in year 850, the Survey Corps had ventured outside the walls when the Colossus Titan, back then being possessed by Bertolt Hoover appeared outside the district and blasting the gates of the district open hurling the city and what could’ve very easily possibly been the future of humanity into chaos. Troops of the Trainee Corps were sent out to wage war against the titans flooding towards the city and people, only to fight a losing battle. I was assigned to a platoon alongside Eren Yeager. Within that battle, I witnessed the false death of Yeager as he was devoured by a titan.

Later within the battle, the tides still haven’t turned despite the amount of troops and veterans that relayed to and from the fighting until the information of a “Mysterious Titan” appearing killing the other Titans within that district. The soldier was later revealed to be Eren Yeager as that Mysterious Titan evaporated into steam due the intense battles against that other Titans. During the evening of that day after the unofficial trial held by Captain Kitz Weilman, I presented an operation plan to Dot Pixis, the Commander of the Garrison that included the usage of the what was once the mysterious power of the Titans within Eren Yeager. As I presented this plan to the Commander and Eren Yeager, Yeager confirmed with me that he would be able to use the power of the titan correctly to create a victory for humanity despite only knowing that such power existed nor resided within him for a mere few hours.

In that battle, after the first controlled transformation of the Attack Titan, Eren Yeager controlling that titan completely lost control of the titan and went on a rampage smashing that roofs of the structures surrounding him and endangering the lives of the few soldiers extended in skill among others, and to mention, Eren’s step-sister, Mikasa Ackermann was among. After I was able to help Eren gain control over the titan, Yeager was able to successfully lift a boulder to seal the broken gate blocking an entrance path for other titans waiting outside. However, within that operation, the lives of well over 200 soldiers were taken away from their families that day and to say the least, the lives of at least a few soldiers could have been spared if only Eren Yeager was honest about his true capabilities with the powers.

Throughout the past few years, Eldia has conducted multiple ambushes and attacks against other nations of the world while also forming some allies. The aforementioned ambushes and attacks had intricate plans and details which could cost the lives of tens if not hundreds of soldiers if followed incorrectly. To which Eren Yeager has done multiple times during the past 4 years. The plan was explained to all members of platoons and battalions to assure minimum casualties while Eren chose to break away from the plan structure and act towards his own beliefs. Which is why the powers of the 3 Titans should be permanently removed from his control, so that Eldia doesn’t have to risk any more lives in the upcoming wars.

Eren Yeager has been in possession of some of the Titan powers for years now. Yeager currently holds the

powers of the Attack, Founding and Warhammer which renders him a powerful human, if that is what you could even call him any more. Despite being powerful among other humans, the personality of Eren has rendered us that the power of the Titans will not be safe if they were to reside within his body any longer. However, you can make a change to this. Four years ago, the Survey Corps exposed the imposter King and the other “noble” royal family heads, and by doing so, laws within the Walls changed as we knew it. The “nobles” no longer controlled anything and information was given freely to all citizens. With the arrival of this change, decisions were no longer based on the government and the “royals”, people, citizens, could speak up and let their opinions be known. Which is why I am asking you today to help me make this change. If together, we can speak up as the citizens of Eldia, the true government and the Queen will listen to our opinions. If we are able to start a movement for this act, we might just be able to get through with this reasoning, we might be able to get the true government make a move that would open a brighter future for humanity. Countless people have died at his hands and his actions will continue to allow that possibility, and he doesn’t have the power to control one of the greatest powers ever known to humanity, the power of the Titans. If we are able to get Queen Historia to be able to hear this message then maybe we will be able to make a change that would allow us to win against the other nations on this planet. Just sacrificing the life of one human being may allow it so that hundred, if not thousands more lives can be spared. I ask you to help me speak out for this cause.

-Survey Corps, Armin Arlert

