An Open Letter from a Creepy Guy Seeking Love After 50

Should I take advice from a married woman about how to meet single women?

Norm Gilbert
Open Letters To
Published in
6 min readSep 22, 2021


Photo by Michel Duong on Scopio

To fully understand this Open Letter, it is essential to read the Open Letter that inspired it. You’ll find it here:

Dear Misty Rae:

After having read your Open Letter on what middle-aged men should not do to meet a woman for dating, I am more confused than ever. Women have always been a mystery to me. Nice guys versus bad boys. Loves kinky sex, but doesn’t want anyone to know.

I know some women are physically afraid of men because we are bigger and stronger. But apparently now with age we must also be aware that we are just generally creepy in almost every place where there are women present.

Can I approach a woman sitting on a dock without her being afraid I am going to push her into the water?

My FWB was 31 years younger and only nice to me in the dark. In the light of day, when I asked for a hug in private, she always said, “No, you’re creepy”. I was of course crazy about her.



Norm Gilbert
Open Letters To

Fully retired, ex-pat living outside the US. Been a worker, been in a union, owned a business, and had probably 6 different career paths. I write as a hobby.