An Open Letter to My Pen Pal

Why the ink will never run dry

KS Copeland
Open Letters To


Photo by Chris Chow on Unsplash

Dear Pen Pal,

We met when commenting on a newspaper article. The subject was a neurological affliction and, to the readers’ horror, you dared put forth an idea for pain relief.


Not the magic kind but some that can be easily found and are harmless to ingest. Accused of being many things, including a murderer and a witch, I nevertheless commented that your idea appealed to me.

Our exchange of comments started a relationship that has lasted for years. Corny but true — you have been my rock, through thick and thin.

When going through a rough health period, you were always there for me. I would not hear from you for a while and, just after checking into yet another clinic, an email would pop up.

Are you psychic?

You have your own health problems. But unlike mine, yours will never go away.

Your lifestyle is fascinating and sometimes quirky. You live in an old house in the country, have enough land to grow not only your mushrooms but enough to feed yourself during the recent lockdowns.

You like to forage and hunt just for the pleasure of looking — recently you found an ancient hand axe made from flint. You also have a boat. For some reason, the boat fascinates me.

From what you have written, I know this:

It is on a canal near your house;

You take it out from time to time when your health permits;

It is your “laboratory”;

You sleep on it from time to time;

You keep the heat on to keep the ants alive!

So, yes, you are a little quirky. But you are smart too.

Not only have you made tinctures and creams from your healing mushrooms, but you are also devising a way to make soap. A researcher from a prestigious university heard about your mushroom studies and asked that you collaborate.

All these things help take your mind off of your illness. It does not stop the pain or knowledge that it will never entirely go away.

And for that, I appreciate you even more.

Friends have come and gone. Mostly gone during my bad health. I am told this is one way to know who your friends truly are.

Well, now I know.

And as you pointed out, the two of us manage to handle this pandemic with great ease, having become used to taking on whatever the world dishes out to us with relative ease.

Having recovered, I assumed that our writing would stop. It hasn’t because we simply enjoy each other and sharing our lives. Although we don’t live in the same country and it is doubtful that we shall ever meet, I feel like you’re my next-door neighbor. We check in on each other from time to time, just like friends do.

I write this as a thank you letter. For being with me throughout those hard times. And for still being in my life. I too will always be there for you.


Your Pen Pal



KS Copeland
Open Letters To

Lighthouse keeper, rainbow chaser, truth seeker — every minute counts.