An Open Letter to My Teenager on Some Bathroom Basics

#1. That thing on top of the toilet is what you use to flush

Sarah Courtney Burry
Open Letters To
Published in
6 min readJun 12, 2021


Dear Teenager in Training,

You’re 14 years old — practically an adult. You are almost ready to go into the world and make your mark. And yet, I do worry about you. Our bathroom worries about you. Our shower, sink, and toilet downright shudder when you enter the room.

Because let’s face it, your bathroom etiquette has a long way to go. In fact, I’m not sure you know what everything in the bathroom does, so I thought I would take this time to spell it out for you.

Top 10 Bathroom Basics

1. That thing on top of the toilet — that’s what you use to flush. It goes up and down. You just need to push it once, and POOF — it washes everything away.


Unless you have managed to stick an entire roll of toilet paper down the loo. And let’s face it, this isn’t a stretch for you. Because in your rush to get back to those computer games, you forget. In fact, you sometimes forget to even lift the toilet seat to look, aim and point, if I’m honest. And our toilet seat is crying. It feels dirty and used.



Sarah Courtney Burry
Open Letters To

5X top writer. I love to use satire and humor. I write about travel, politics, family, feminism, sports, health & music. So, basically everything.