An Open Letter to People Who Say I Look Young For My Age

Yes, I already know. Please don’t rub it in!

Edward John
Open Letters To
Published in
3 min readSep 27, 2021


Dear Everyone Who Ever Meets Me For the First Time,

Yes, I know I look young for my age. You don’t have to tell me. I get this ALL THE TIME!

Ever since I was a teenager, people have always thought I was younger than I am.

  • At 16, people thought I was 13 or 14
  • At 20, people thought I was 16
  • At 25, people thought I was 18
  • At 30, people still thought I was 18
  • At 43, people guess my age as anything from 20 to 28

I’ve always had a slight build and not much body hair or facial hair. My brother seems to have got my share of the hairy gene. He’s like a gorilla compared to me.

(In case you’re now checking my profile photo to judge for yourself, please be aware that’s not me, as I explain in my About Me article.)

I’ve sometimes wondered whether I’ve got a hormonal problem. When I turned 40, I had a medical check-up, and I asked for my testosterone to be tested. It came back normal. In fact, it was the high end of normal. I wondered whether there was anything else going on, but my doctor…



Edward John
Open Letters To

Sometimes my inside is full of sunshine 🌞 edwardjohnwritesATgmailDOTcom