An Open Letter to the Guy Who Interviewed Me

Sorry for stealing your parking spot. And for knocking you over in the men’s bathroom.

Sarah Courtney Burry
Open Letters To
Published in
4 min readMay 25, 2021


Image by Canva Pro and Courtney Burry

Dear Jonathon.

Thank you for taking the time to interview me this past Friday. It was great to meet you. But I did want to apologize for some of the unfortunate things that happened.

After all, I obviously didn’t mean to steal your parking space out front. I had no idea you were waiting for that spot. Well I did see you, if I’m honest. But I didn’t know who you were at the time. In my defense, you were looking at your phone. So, naturally I figured it would be okay. Ladies first and all.

And I honestly wasn’t aware that the only other parking spots were out back and a good 15-minute walk away.

Which is where you apparently ended up — with your broken leg in tow.

So, I do want to say I’m sorry.

But if you look on the bright side — surely you can see what a go-getter I am.

I should also probably apologize for bumping into you in the men’s bathroom before my interview.

I know you didn’t expect to see me there, but I do have a good explanation.



Sarah Courtney Burry
Open Letters To

5X top writer. I love to use satire and humor. I write about travel, politics, family, feminism, sports, health & music. So, basically everything.