From The Cook Grilling Your Well-Done Steak

You’re An Idiot, But I Have No Beef With You

Scott Hughey (TheWriteScott)
Open Letters To


Yes Sir. I’ll burn that steak right away. Photo by Scott Hughey and Canva Pro

To the gentleman at table #5:

You’ve just ordered a 12-ounce ribeye steak. It’s usually a fine choice. The high-fat content makes the steak tender and juicy, cooked in its own juices. When prepared properly, you’ll find it perfectly seared and exploding with flavor.

Except, you ordered it well-done.

I immediately knew several things.

  • As a kid, you probably set your roasted marshmallows on fire. You swore this was because you “like them that way.”
  • If you ever manage to procreate, you’ll teach your children to set their marshmallows on fire, too. Then they’ll eat them, which is a form of child abuse.
  • You and I are never going to be friends. If I’m wrong about that, I’m doing the cooking.

Oh, and I’ve informed your waitress, Barbara, that she needs to have the A-1 sauce ready. Barbara said she already had it on standby. I asked her how she knew.

He seems the type — Barbara.

Don’t misunderstand me. I’m thrilled you don’t know how to order or appreciate a good steak.



Scott Hughey (TheWriteScott)
Open Letters To

He’s a geek with social skills. Scott writes humor, satire, and pop-culture with a touch of self-help. Find his Amazon books here: