Embrace Your Inner David

I Was A Closet Extrovert Until I Met David

An Open Letter To The Guy That Showed Me I Could Be Myself

Scott Hughey (TheWriteScott)
Open Letters To
Published in
4 min readFeb 26, 2021


Image by Scott Hughey and Canva Pro

Dear David,

Nobody who’s met me since early highschool believes I was once quiet and shy.

You might not believe it either. We haven’t spoken in years.

It’s true, though. Do you remember the geeky, introspective, quiet, and lanky high school freshman that went on that ski trip with you? Your parents and mine were friends.

Back then I saw myself as innovative, confident, full of life and fun. That image of who I should be was as clear as it was unattainable. I was miserable until I learned to be myself by, ironically, watching someone else be himself.

That’s when I met you, David. And also your sister, Lisa. You both taught me to be myself.

You were both older, assured, outgoing, and friendly. Especially you, David. You possessed more charisma than I’d ever seen in one person. For years you defined the term for me.

To anyone else reading this letter, if it helps, and you’re a Doctor Who fan, you can picture David as a younger David Tennant but with curlier hair and without the…



Scott Hughey (TheWriteScott)
Open Letters To

He’s a geek with social skills. Scott writes humor, satire, and pop-culture with a touch of self-help. Find his Amazon books here: https://amzn.to/2LDQxjy