The Lost Correspondence of Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner

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Deborah Weir
Open Letters To
Published in
4 min readMar 2, 2021


By catwalker via Shutterstock subscription

To the attention of the Road Runner,

Well, it would appear you got the better of me for the millionth time.

I must admit, your uncanny ability to grind to a screeching halt, while I went careening into the mountainside, was alarming, to say the least.

You must have known I’d break several bones and suffer facial lacerations from such a stunt. As such, I lay here, in traction, unable to deliver the vicious retaliation you so obviously deserve.

I’m expecting an Amazon delivery this afternoon and seeing as my eyes are swollen shut, I can't drive home. I would appreciate it if you could go there and collect it for me, please. I believe you owe me that much.

Pay no mind to the contents of the package. They are of no concern to you.

I will be looking for you when I get out of here, but you knew that already.


Wile E. Coyote



Deborah Weir
Open Letters To

Unnervingly passionate about the minutiae of life | 4X Top Writer: Satire, Parenting, Humor, Music