Open Longevity progress

Anastasia Egorova
Open Longevity ENG
Published in
3 min readOct 11, 2017

The description of our Open Longevity group on Facebook says that we are a community of people and that we have some sort of agenda.

Some of you even joined us a year ago at our seminar in Kl10CH, where we talked about it in detail. We claimed that we wanted to start a patients-driven organisation, to run clinical trials conducted with patients’ help and to make a convenient personal web-account for us, biohackers.

During this year we have made a big leap forward. From just a community of like-minded people to financial models, a white paper, a new prototype and design for the personal account and new partners. We are about to start an ICO. But most importantly we are deep into clinical research! All the documents are prepared and publicly available on our website.

Maybe some of you read Misha Batin’s blog and some may even read mine occasionally. Some might even read We’ve been talking about our progress in Open Longevity now and then. But one thing we haven’t posted yet, is the personal web-account.

A list of uploaded results of lab tests (left) and functional diagnostics results (right). We will translate these into English soon.

Right now the brain (the prototype able to interpret analyses results in terms of aging) and the layout (what you can see below) are not attached to each other. It simply takes time. And we also need your feedback: what would you like to see in your personal account?

A list of biomarkers’ panels (left) and recommendations based on results (right). We will translate these into English soon.

I will intentionally skip the description of the account’s functionality. Let’s see if it can be understood from the design (even though unclickable pictures are not very representative). But, please, do comment what you like and what you don’t.

You wil also be ablo to chose a doctor/scientific analyst or a biohacker to get your consultation online. We will translate these into English soon.

A quick reminder: if you wish the project to be a success and want the prototype to come to life, you can participate in the ICO (that is in raising funds for the development of the system and conducting clinical trials).

How to participate? Show the potential investors that we are many, the need for the service is real and all of this isn’t madness.

How to do it? You can leave your comments here (it’s convenient), or you can go to our Telegram chat and have a big discussion there. The world of ICO has its own rules and Telegram is in good standing there.

Even passive presence of a large number of people in the chat will benefit us (Funds analysts, you have not just read this, where is my Men In Black memory-erasing stick?).

We have chats (for communicational purposes) and there are channels (there you can find the latest news on the project spam-free). There is one of each both in Russian and English. You are welcome everywhere:

Russian chat
Russian channel
English chat
The English channel
The ICO website

By the way, a biohacker from India has joined our English chat recently. The amount of information he shares is incredible. It really is a miracle, he found me on Instagram.
So, once again: join all of our chat rooms and channels, comment on how you like the personal account design (or rather the functionality, the pictures were drawn to explain investors the functionality). You can comment here but Telegram is better.



Anastasia Egorova
Open Longevity ENG

Co-founder and co-CEO at Open Longevity, Vice-President of Science for Life Extension Foundation. Transhumanist and social entrepreneur.