Why do we need patients’ energy?

Mikhail Batin
Open Longevity ENG
Published in
2 min readNov 2, 2017

The most dangerous thing in transhumanism is good wishes “swamp”. People think that by simply offering an abstract solution, they show you the way. But this way leads into a trap and dead end.

Here’s how it works. Someone comes up with an idea, for example, “ You should make a sales funnel”. We put in millions of average Joes and thousands of transhumanists march out of it. Ok, right, but where would the budgets come from?

Who’s gonna actually build the “funnel”? It’s hard to disagrees with the proposal, but we all know how much it would cost. Sorry, pal, we don’t have the money. In fact, that is the strategy: understand, where to get the resources.

Saying “it would be so much better if the government spent a trillion to make people get sick less” is saying nothing. Yes, it would. Is there a person who can arrange this? In preposition of the best project I suggest we do not jump over the abyss in two leaps.

So to me it seems much more effective to convince those who already agree to act.

How can we do it? The easiest way is to give people an opportunity to see the result themselves. It might not be a magical rejuvenation but something useful nonetheless. Therefore, I suggest starting with clinical trials of diets. They do not cause fear, are easy to understand and can make a big impact.

I presonaly vote for gene therapy, but suggest to start with diets first.

During the first stage we are not trying to find a universal way of prolonging entire population’s lives. We just need to find a diet that will objectively help any particular person. Objectively, that is, by molecular markers.

After that we can move to pure chemistry, immunotherapy and other RNAs.

A non-commercial, decentralised approach deprives the organisers of the temptation to frame something, of the wishful thinking.

The idea of my proposal is simple. Let’s drill a well to the tectonic power, which is the energy and desire of the patients themselves, and give them (us) the tools of scientific methods.



Mikhail Batin
Open Longevity ENG

CEO at Open Longevity, President and Founder of Science for Life Extension Foundation. Transhumanist and social entrepreneur.