OpenML wins Data Prize

Joaquin Vanschoren
Open Machine Learning
1 min readDec 1, 2016

Good news: we won the Dutch Data Prize!

It’s a prize that awards scientists going the extra mile in collecting research data and making it universally and easily accessible. It includes 5000 euros earmarked to make the data better and more accessible (as well as a statue that I will bring to the next hackathon).

Congratulations to all who helped making OpenML what it is today. This prize awards all your hard work over the last years. Let’s make OpenML even better in the years to come.

More good news: the TU/e has offered more support for OpenML. They will help with hosting and managing the servers and maybe also help with backend development and computing time.

OpenML wins the Dutch Data Prize



Joaquin Vanschoren
Open Machine Learning

Machine learning researcher drowning in data but a decent swimmer too. Fighter for open science. OpenML Founder. Solving life's problems mixing data and wits.