Start in your City — Mapping

Open Marketplace Applications
2 min readMay 8, 2020

Help us to collect Open Data of your City for OpenStreetMap. Everyone can participate and start local. #MapYourCity

Bringing light into the dark.

OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a collaborative project to create a free editable map of the world. The data from OSM can be used in various ways including the production of paper maps and electronic maps (similar to Google Maps, for example), geocoding of address and place names, and route planning.

OpenStreetMap provides much data about shops, restaurants, pharmacies, and much more but in many local communities without detailed information.

We want to provide a tool, where people can map data to objects, like phone numbers, websites, meal plans, open hours, and more.

If you want to contribute to the development, take a look at this GitHub Issue.
And in the meanwhile, you can easily start the mapping in your city on right now!


Register a new account on OpenStreetMap and start mapping your city.

OpenStreetMap is a database in which you can record everything that currently exists. — This includes streets, buildings, and squares with their properties, as well as e.g. Shops, post boxes, or hydrants. Actually everything that can be found in the surrounding area and interests you.

OpenStreetMap uses a few specific terms. Here are a few that may be useful.

  • An editor is a program or website that can be used to edit the map.
  • A node in OSM is a point on the map, e.g. a restaurant or a tree.
  • A way in OSM is an open line such as a street, a path, a river or forms a closed area, e.g. a building.
  • A tag (“attribute”) is a property that you assign to an object, e.g. For example, the name of a restaurant or the speed limit on a street.

Do the interactive tutorial and start mapping! Have fun!

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