Hi, I’m a freelancer and I’m just following up!

Gena-mour Barrett
Open Mic
Published in
3 min readDec 6, 2018

Written by Gena-mour Barrett — December 6th, 2018

Tiffany Adebayo <tiffany.adebayo@gmail.com>
Apr 9, 2018, 11:10 AM

Hi Will,

Was great chatting with you over coffee last week!

I’m a huge fan of the work you do at Generic Internet Publisher and would love to work with you.

I’ve attached a doc with some pitches I’m really excited to work on. Do let me know which ones you’re interested in and the policy regarding fees and invoices.

Is there a specific word count you’re looking for?

Excited to work with you!


Tiffany Adebayo <tiffany.adebayo@gmail.com>
Apr 9, 2018, 3:23 PM

Hey Will,

Sure, I’d be happy to write 1000 words on the cultural significance of SpongeBob memes in 2018.

Is there any room for negotiation regarding the fee? 1000 words for a handful of beans is a little lower than I was expecting.

Thanks so much!


Tiffany Adebayo <tiffany.adebayo@gmail.com>
Apr 9, 2018, 4:58 PM

Hi there Will,

I totally understand that budgets are tight — the handful of beans is fine.

Will send you a draft by the end of next week,


Tiffany Adebayo <tiffany.adebayo@gmail.com>
Apr 24, 2018, 10:30 AM

Hey Will,

So happy to hear you liked the piece!

I’ve attached my invoice for the beans along with a picture for my author photo.

Really excited to have my work published on Generic Internet Publisher!

Great working with you and have a lovely week,


Tiffany Adebayo <tiffany.adebayo@gmail.com>
May 28, 2018, 9:46 AM

Morning Will,

Hope your week is going well?

I sent over my invoice for 12 beans last month — am I correct in thinking I’ll be paid 30 days from then?

Just checking as I don’t seem to have received any beans in my account!

Let me know,


Tiffany Adebayo <tiffany.adebayo@gmail.com>
Jun 13, 2018, 1:30 PM

Hey Will,

Just following up from my email a few weeks ago regarding payment.

Was there any update on the beans at all?


Tiffany Adebayo <tiffany.adebayo@gmail.com>
Jun 21, 2018, 4:09 PM

Hi again Will,

Just sending this again in case you replied and I didn’t receive it!

(It’s about the beans!)


Tiffany Adebayo <tiffany.adebayo@gmail.com>
Jun 27, 2018, 10:19 AM


Starting to get worried about those beans!


Tiffany Adebayo <tiffany.adebayo@gmail.com>
Jul 2, 2018, 11:24 AM

Hiya Will,

No worries at all for replying ten weeks late!

It sounds like things are super busy at Generic Internet Publisher, haha.

Really appreciate you looking into those beans for me.



Tiffany Adebayo <tiffany.adebayo@gmail.com>
Jul 10, 2018, 12:48 PM

Good afternoon Will,

Following up on those beans again!

Just conscious of the fact it’s now the 10th of July and I completed the work along with my invoice back in April.

Any idea when I’ll receive them?


Tiffany Adebayo <tiffany.adebayo@gmail.com>
Jul 27, 2018, 2:29 PM

Hi Will,

It’s been three months since I completed the work and sent over my invoice. Beginning to think I’m never going to get paid?

Let me know,


Tiffany Adebayo <tiffany.adebayo@gmail.com>
Aug 2, 2018, 3:31 PM

Hey Will,

Really disappointed that your team hasn’t been able to pay me my 12 beans on time.

It’s now been four months and I’m yet to receive a single bean, let alone decent correspondence with you or anyone else I’ve contacted.

I’m saddened by this experience and I won’t be working with Generic Internet Publisher again.


Will Jordan <will@genericinternetpublisher.com>
Aug 9, 2018, 4:11 PM

Hi Tiffany,

Really sorry for the delay on this.

We’ve recently been involved in a restructuring at Generic Internet Publisher and my team, along with its freelance budget, have been cut from the new strategy.

Will forward your email to the appropriate person RE: payment now that my position is no more.

Very best of luck for your freelance endeavours (and indeed my own!),




Gena-mour Barrett
Open Mic

Attitude in direct correlation with my lip colour. Tweet me praise @SmileGena