Photo by Bram Bergers on Unsplash


Allow me to make a point.

Susan Christiana
Open Microphone
Published in
Jul 1, 2024


This world has lots of beauty,
Taken for granted
Planted like a seed in our heart,

Beauty erased by comments of hate.

I am so, so tired of reading mean spirited comments
I think to myself

What has happened in our world today?

This President issue
Please I need a tissue, each side has more than enough good
It should.

Plenty of enough bad
The making jokes of folks

Because of age
What a rage we have encountered.
This most likely won’t be taken well,
WTH, ask me

What could change things,
Arrange things in better order?

Think in terms of family borders,
mothers, fathers, sisters. brothers.

Not proceed with knives about
Not in terms of a loudly shout,
Kindness all the way around

…would change our ways

So profound.
I’m so upset seeing such hatefulness.



Susan Christiana
Open Microphone

I read and clap voraciously. I appreciate you being here .