Biden Wants Constitutional Limits on Presidential Immunity
Barn doors, you think?
While ratifying the 26th Amendment (lowering the voting age) took only three months, the last one to do with the Presidency (limiting to two terms) required four years.
With the possibility of The Orange Dictator still quite possible, I think Biden’s proposal is almost laughable.
But, let’s hope for the best. Let’s hope Trump gets thoroughly trashed and that all of Congress has a Democratic majority or at least enough rational Republicans that we might be able to get some really important things done. What then?
Let’s do some pen testing
This would be a good time to carefully look at all the ways our democracy can be perverted. In the computer security field, they call it Penetration Testing.
Obviously, we are not going to try to overthrow our government. But we should be doing a lot of “What if” scenarios, thinking deeply about what could happen and what we could do to prevent it.
Some of it will require constitutional amendments. It’s unlikely that we’d be as lucky as we were with lowering the voting age, and I hope we aren’t dumb enough to try to mess with gun ownership at the same time as that is…