Can the Democrats Win the Next Presidency?

It’s not looking good

Open Microphone
Published in
9 min readMay 7, 2024


Who is responsible for this moral and economic profligacy? Voters will blame the current administration. The buck stops at Biden’s feet whether he likes it or not.

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The Contenders

We’ve been fighting — my sister and I are arguing whether the Dems have a shot at the next presidency.

She glared at me: “Just look at the alternatives. [Cornell] West doesn’t have a chance. No one even knows who Jill Stein is and everyone on the right is going to vote for Trump. If we don’t vote for Biden, it’s Trump. You have to know that.”

Uncritically, she then repeated what I think is the world’s worst argument: “Biden’s the lesser evil. Trump will make everything worse!”

This wasn’t a conversation. She dug her heels in hard. She could not understand how I could see things differently.

For her, Trump is the manifestation of everything bad in America. A crystallization of authoritarianism, white supremacy, xenophobia and hate.



Open Microphone

Just the guy next door, glad to meet you. Pull up a chair let's stir the pot together. Reach me at: lacks@mail.com.