Health & Wellbeing

Demystifying High Blood pressure.

What the numbers mean and why you should take your meds.

Open Microphone
Published in
7 min readSep 19, 2018


Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

Disclaimer. I’m a retired Caribbean pharmacist, this post is meant only to encourage, not replace dialog with your physician. The information is presented in a general way and is not intended to apply to any specific person. Do not take anything said here as medical advice; always consult your health care provider for medical advice.

A Kitchen Catastrophe

Michael felt a sharp stab, almost as if someone had taken a rusty railroad spike and slammed it into his left eye. In moments, his head felt like it was split down the middle, ear to ear.

He stumbled, suddenly dizzy. His hands reached out to grab something — anything for support. For a second, he thought about calling for help. But who would hear? No one was home.

He was in the middle of the kitchen making scrambled eggs and his wife had already headed out to the gym.

Think Mike. What’s happening?

His throat worked. He could feel his tongue lying dead in his mouth. Felt the tickle of saliva as it dribbled down his chin.




Open Microphone

Just the guy next door, glad to meet you. Pull up a chair let's stir the pot together. Reach me at: