
Do You Know the Two Kinds of Energy Triggers?

When you know them you can manipulate them.

Open Microphone
Published in
7 min readApr 9, 2024


Picture of a smiley puppy
Image by Thành Nguyễn from Pixabay

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Achieving goals in pursuit of the feelings of success can put you on an endless treadmill — with every success leaving you with less and less of the feelings you wanted to experience in the first place.

Gun Talk

Every time you hear the word ‘trigger’ it comes with baggage. You’ll often hear: I was triggered, or trigger warning!

It carries with it the suggestion of pulling a gun’s trigger, and a sudden explosive release of heat and energy.

Therein lies a mystery. We can be casually going about our daily do, when a sudden incident pushes us into an entirely different emotional state, almost without warning.

Some one cuts us off on the highway or an email from a supervisor pisses you off. (Maybe a forgetful spouse leaves the toilet seat up).

There seems to be a metaphorical switch, which when thrown, moves us energetically in negative directions. But that’s exactly how you control the impulses — you have to…



Open Microphone

Just the guy next door, glad to meet you. Pull up a chair let's stir the pot together. Reach me at: lacks@mail.com.