
Guess who Dems fear more — Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders?

Hint: history shows it’s not the recently convicted felon


An elderly man standing at a podium.
Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

There’s no disguising it: Joe Biden has dementia.

And while we’re at it, Trump probably does too. The latter is only slightly better at disguising it because he’s louder and brasher.

The question is, if Trump poses such an existential threat as the Dems have been whining these past four years, why did they opt for Biden again?

Yes — in spite the unabating inflation. Rising personal bankruptcies and child poverty rate. A tacit support of Israel that is turning away young voters. A war in the Ukraine that is increasingly reminiscent of Vietnam. Not to mention talk of an impending war with China.

Mind you, it’s not that Trump isn’t a threat — he is.

But with Biden, we are only kicking the can down a few yards further. As I’ve mentioned here, he’s been more or less adopting Trump’s policies — albeit without the overt hate and language of a toddler.

Because just as with previous Democratic presidents, Biden represents a further turn to the right.

Maybe a career in teaching and studying the history of horror literature is to blame for this…



Frances A. Chiu, Ph.D. | writing coach | editor
Open Microphone

22x boosted writer; writing coach and editor at https://www.wildestdreamsediting.com/; Ph.D. in English Literature (Oxford University); academic; author