Hairspray Hacks to Help Your Life…But Not Necessarily Your Hair — Hacks #13

Aid for pet hair, static, unruly eyebrows, slippery shoes, loose screws, and more…

Victoria Kjos
Open Microphone
Published in
6 min readJul 21, 2024


Photo by MildVariety on Unsplash


Does anyone under the age of sixty still use the sticky glaze for its intended purpose?

Perhaps on movie sets. Or on prom night or one’s wedding day. Or in the odd beauty salon to freeze the perfect coif when your stylist desires you parade it to the outside world of wind, dust, and sunlight?

Environmentally conscious creatures gave up the ghost of old-fashioned aerosol cans eons ago. Why? Because they contained chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) that cause substantial damage to the atmosphere’s ozone layer.

An international 1987 treaty, the Montreal Protocol,¹ signed by 191 countries banning the use of CFCs, has successfully reduced ozone damage.² Current aerosol manufacturers have replaced CFCs with other substances. To my knowledge, the non-aerosol versions don’t contribute to the environmental problem, or at least not in the same fashion.

Whether you abstain from using the product is a personal choice. But, the handy dandy…



Victoria Kjos
Open Microphone

"HI" writer. Sentimental Humanitarian. Lifelong Seeker. Vagabond. Certified Yoga and Medical Qigong Teacher for 30 years.