If Only Progressive Dems Were Truly Progressive

Lies, lies, and more lies

Aunty Jean
Open Microphone


Photo by Sean Stratton on Unsplash

My niece is running for the school board. This is her first experience as a candidate for any position.

She called me to ask if I would sit in on a Zoom meeting with her that was being sponsored by an organization called Run For Something. This organization’s goal is stated as recruiting and training young progressives to run for office.

We’re continuing our broad and deep work with young diverse progressives running for state and local office — especially for school boards, local election administrator roles and positions that may affect abortion access — because it’s never mattered more. ( link)

I joined in on the Zoom meeting and took notes.

Run For Something is looking for progressive candidates under the age of 40. They highly encourage women, people who identify as LGBTQIA+, and people of color to seek office.

And while they understand that some people are interested in independent, Green Party, or other third-party candidates, they are seeking to sponsor people who will run as progressive Democrats.

And there’s the catch. If an organization is truly interested in getting progressive candidates into office, they would be promoting values regardless of party



Aunty Jean
Open Microphone

Constantly curious, dog-loving, politically progressive, book-loving, vegan lady. I want to keep learning every day, exploring other points of view.