In the Shadow of Empire
What we can learn from America’s dark side
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Trigger Warning.
Forgive me gentle reader, but I am going to repeat some derogatory and racist slang for the purpose of explaining much of America’s foreign policy. If it’s too much to deal with, I understand. I’m writing this mostly to clear it up in my own mind. I’m cool if you click away. Mitch.
Words from the heart
I met an old acquaintance of mine in a Red Lobster entirely by accident. He’s a friend of a friend I bumped into a couple times at family gatherings.
Let’s call him James. At the time, he was deployed in the Middle East and returned Stateside for a couple weeks. I hadn’t seen him for months and I invited him to sit with us while he waited for his takeout.
We sat and chatted over hors d’oeuvres and he regaled us with his adventures abroad. I asked him how he survived the harsh conditions and continuous violence. I even asked him if he ever un-alived anyone.
His mouth straightened into a thin line, his eyes grew distant.
“No one cares about those people Mitch.”